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Muslim population 2.48 Billion
Muslim Population in the World
South America Africa 52.39% Muslim Asia 30% Muslim North America 2.2% Muslim Oceania 1.5% Muslim Europe 7% Muslim Antartica  * Move Mouse over Continent * World Map

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China, India, France, Germany, UK, USA, Argentina, CubaBrazil, Bolivia, JamaicaAustralia  Korea  Video updated. More Coming Soon


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The Muslim population has been rapidly increasing through birth rate as well as a high rate of
conversions. Islam is the fastest growing religion; and recently the Muslim population has outnumbered the Christian population. The Muslim population stood at 2.45 billion in 2023 and due to a population growth rate of 1.5% we can predict that the Muslim population in 2024 will stand at 2.48 billion covering up 31% of world population . This is far greater than the currently estimated 1.9 to 2.0 billion population reported in many websites.
According to some sources Muslim populations in India, China, Nigeria, Tanzania, Ethiopia,Erittria and in some other countries are displayed less than the actual population they have. In many parts like Europe, North America[CNN],Christians are distancing away from their
religion. Meanwhile, among the Muslim Population, their followers in their religion is ever increasing[CNN],
It is expected that if the present growth of Muslim population continues, then by 2035 one out of three people will be Muslim. All data taken from Authentic Sources (Reference Click here) Muslim.

  Hazz Ramadan        


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Image Rate of Islam Conversion in Europe Up 400% Since Start of Israel-s Massacres on Gaza Read More

Arabic-style mosque in China Major mosque in China to have retained Arabic-style features has lost its domes and had its minarets radically modified, marking what experts say is the completion of a government campaign to sinicise the country’s Muslim places of worship Read More

Conflict, theology and history make Muslims
more religious than others, experts say
(CNN) Muslims are much more likely than Christians and Hindus to say that their own faith is the only true path to paradise, according to a recent global survey Read More

Millions in the U.S. converted to Islam after 9/11 and to till now
(CGTN) America
Many Americans were introduced to Islam for the first time, and chose to convert to Islam Read More

Georgian Muslims are strangers in their own country Georgia is an avowedly Christian country, but one out of every ten Georgian citizens is Muslim. Eye-catching headlines in recent months have touched on the ethnic Chechen and Kist villages of Pankisi Gorge in the country’s north-west Read More

Myanmar Government Translator
and His Distortions of Words in Broad Daylight
 Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and his group visited Arakan state on 10th August 2012 to observe the vulnerable situation resulted from the genocides against not only Rohingya Muslims but also other Muslims in the state.   Read More

Almost 2.1 billion Muslims across the globe will celebrate Eid al-Fitr   Almost 2.1 billion Muslims across the globe will celebrate Eid al-Fitr – a third of that number are from the African continent – to mark the end of the month-long fasting period of Ramadan.  Read More

Do you know Europe’s forgotten Muslim-majority country? The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus may not be a familiar name, but it is home to nearly 400,000 Muslims. The history of Islam in Europe is a firm Read More

Turkey voices outrage over anti-Muslim act against mosque in Greek Cyprus Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) condemned the hanging of a Byzantine flag on a mosque in Greek Cyprus., Read More

Secret Bible: The 1,500-year-old tome was is said to contain Jesus' early teachings and a prediction of the Prophet's coming

Secret Bible in which 'Jesus predicts coming of Prophet Muhammad' unearthed in Turkey A secret Bible in which Jesus is believed to predict the coming of the Prophet Muhammad to Earth has sparked serious interest from the VaticanRead More

A century-old Ottoman legacy in China Before the steamship had even reached China, the Western envoys in Beijing were all sending encrypted messages back to their capitals: “The ‘tricky Sultan’ in Istanbul has started up new manoeuvres to try and pull the Muslims in China onto his side. A nine-person delegation is arriving in China.” Read More

China makes it harder for its Muslim citizens to go to Mecca, or anywhere else TThe group of six travelers were Chinese Muslims, intent on completing the Hajj: a once-in-a-lifetime duty for Muslims to make a pilgrimage to Mecca Read More

Special red sausage of the Cham ethnic people visitors can see attractive red sausages being dried in the sun in the yards of houses, a popular specialty in the Mekong Delta province. The Cham ethnic people in the province who created this delicacy call it -tung lo mo-.-Read More

Macao - Hospitality workers prepare for Muslim visitors with an Islamic culture workshop A second Islamic Culture in Tourism Workshop was arranged by the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO), expand into tourism markets in Islamic countries Read More

Why Hong Kong Muslims need a mosque in Sheung ShuiThe growing Muslim community is underserved in its needs for a place of worship, learning & social care. The government should not take back the land set aside for a planned mosque and home for the elderly. Muslims from different racial backgrounds have been a part of Hong Kong.Read More.

Biggest mosque in Cyprus to open in the north TA mosque set to hold up to 10,000 people will open in the north next year, on the Near East University campus, it emerged on Monday. Turkish Cypriot press reports carried by the government’s press and information office, described the mosque as the largest place of worship in the north, and biggest mosque in Cyprus. Read More

Muslims of France What challenges have generations of Muslim immigrants in France been facing to retain their cultural identity? There are an estimated five million Muslims in France today, which is the largest Read More

Muslims in South Korea want to build a mosque. Neighbors protest and send pig headsOn the right side of a narrow alleyway, a new mosque is under construction. On the left stands a tall display fridge with three pig heads inside,t Read More

Credit: Lois Lee

Europe’s forgotten “religion”  Although it is often reduced to its most visible form – rationalist atheism – “non-religion” describes a range of perspectives. the term refers to the positions, perspectives and practices of vast numbers of people in Europe and elsewhere.Read More

Mirzokhuja Ahmadov in Belgi: A growing mood of protest in Tajikistan is benefitting the Islamic opposition.

An Islamist Uprising in Tajikistan International observers consider Tajikistan to be a failed state in the midst of a national crisis. A growing mood of protest there is benefitting the Islamic opposition. Hundreds of new mosques have opened ......

A The body of an elderly Imam was found fresh in a river erosion-ravaged grave on Monday, three decades after his burial Read More

VIDEO FOOTAGE ON MUSLIMS OF MYANMAR!! DO YOU KNOW HOW BD GOVTRNMENT TREATING THESE MUSLIMS?? WATCH THIS CLIP TO RAISE awareness for the Muslims of Burma - most muslims dont even know what is happening!!! Read More


Without a mosque, Greece's Muslims go undergroundMuslims in Greece are left to pray in basement apartments, coffee shops, garages and old warehouses, many of which are targets of arsonists, as the Greek government has stalled for over a decade in building an official mosqueRead More

The future of Islamic Ireland Ireland’s Muslim population has grown tenfold in 20 years and is still expanding. Within a year the hulking concrete building will be transformed into a mosque complex capable of accommodating 1,000 or so worshippersRead More

Libya_Ottoman LegacyAfter touring the Ottoman palace, we enter the Old City via the Freedom Gate, or Bab Al-Hurriya. As we pass through it, we are greeted by a truly Ottoman city. The Bazaar, Hans, public baths and mosques make us feel like we are traveling back in timeRead More

Islam finds a place in Haiti Haiti, the Caribbean nation closely associated with the African-derived faith of voodoo, is home to a small but growing community of Muslims.Read More

Russian women turn to IslamThe number of women turning to Islam in Turkey increases year after year. The first among foreigners who change religion are Russian women, Turkish Aksam daily reportsRead More

Conversions to Islam in Genocide-Stricken Rwanda Increasing Ever since the state-sponsored Rwandan genocide started in 1994, in which ethnic Hutu extremists killed 800,000 minority Tutsis and Hutu, Rwandans have converted to Islam in huge numbersRead More

Russian Muslims Set Up Body To Spread Islam The four Islamic bodies have convened last week in Omsk and elected Anatoliy Abu Talib Stepchenko to head the association and Taras Abdelkarim Cherneenko as his deputy, the association said in a press release, a copy of which was obtained by IOLRead More.....

Convert: Lauren Booth, who is Cherie Blair¿s half sister, decided to convert to Islam after what she described as a holy experience in Iran

Why ARE so many modern British career women converting to Islam? Tony Blair’s sister-in-law announced her conversion to Islam. She is just one of a growing number of modern British career women to do so. writer EVE AHMED, who was raised as a Muslim before rejecting the faith, explores the reasons whyRead More

Canada/Islam: ‘Tolerant Islam’…Ottawa Imam’s Mission OTTAWA Carrying a message of tolerance, a new Ottawa imam has taken up his job with a commitment to advance the cause of moderate Islam, help the Muslim minority contribute more to the wider society and enhance interfaith relationsRead More.

Beijing Declaration on Palestine - Can Chinese Diplomacy Replace the US? TA , China has attempted to play a role in Middle East politics, particularly in the region's most enduring crisis, the Israeli occupation of Palestine Read More

How Islamic Principles Can Solve Modern Economic Inequality? Islam is directed at creating equality and brotherhood among members of its community. This is accomplished through the economic instruments of Zakat, Sadaqah, Waqf, and Islamic finance,Read More


Conjuring traces of the Polish TatarsEvents marking the 85th anniversary of the Muslim Religious Association , Wednesday, with the opening of an exhibition conjuring up the all but vanished world of the Polish Tatars.Read More

Beyond the Mekong: Indian Muslims in Laos  The first Muslims in Laos are said to have arrived in the early twentieth century, when the country was under French colonial rule. Most of them were Tamil-speaking Labbais and Rawthers, many of them from French-ruled Pondicherry......

Religion Is Very Easy
All religions condemn hypocrisy. Almost always this refers to those who claim to be believers, and yet do less than they should. But what about those who do more than they should? Read More