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Greece Muslims by Today's Zaman Muslims in Greece are mostly a Turkish minority whose rights are set out in the Treaty of Lausanne. With many Turks and Muslim Albanians on islands such as Rhodes and Kos, as well as the hundreds of thousands of immigrants living in Athens.........

Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev addresses the 66th United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. headquarters in New York, September 21, 2011. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

Curbs religious freedom to halt militancy- Reuters Kazakh President  signed a tough religion law,  ban on prayer rooms in state buildings,  but criticized by Kazakhstan's top Muslim cleric and the West.......


Young Russians in search of faith are turning to Islam Rustam Sarachev should have had a hangover the first time he set foot in the central mosque here. He had wanted to throw a raucous party the night before, a send-off for himself on his way to Islam..................

The Muslims are coming  Demographic terrorism - The message of the phobic U-tube production entitled "Muslim Demographics" (Don't encourage the site by searching for it) .....

Veil of tears [FEATURE]
Laurent Levy, a sworn liberal and a total atheist, noticed dramatic changes in his two daughters, but he did not attribute much importance to them. One day, about two years ago, the two girls stopped eating pork. "No problem," he said.

Full Text of President Obama's Middle East & North Africa Speech
The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states.

Crisis in East Africa [FEATURE]
In the last three months, drought has escalated to famine in East Africa. Crops and livestock are dying, and very little food is left to buy

Obama's Unique Opportunity To Redefine U.S.-Muslim World Relations
Obama faces a much more skeptical audience this time around that will not be easily wooed simply by better rhetoric. Credibility and respect requires fairness in policies in addition to culturally sensitive language.
Religion Is Very Easy
All religions condemn hypocrisy. Almost always this refers to those who claim to be believers, and yet do less than they should. But what about those who do more than they should?
Islam's Social Etiquette
This verse of the Qur'an holds divine instructions and rules of social conduct directed at avoiding discord, spreading care and friendliness among people, and maximizing the benefit of circles of knowledge when we are in them.

Russia's Muslims Demand More Mosques [CBN News] Moscow has the largest Muslim population in Europe, with four mosques in the Russian capital city serving some two million people. But Muslims say that's not enough and so the need for more space is stirring controversy......


Conjuring traces of the Polish Tatars Events marking the 85th anniversary of the Muslim Religious Association , Wednesday, with the opening of an exhibition conjuring up the all but vanished world of the Polish Tatars.“...

Beyond the Mekong: Indian Muslims in Laos  The first Muslims in Laos are said to have arrived in the early twentieth century, when the country was under French colonial rule. Most of them were Tamil-speaking Labbais and Rawthers, many of them from French-ruled Pondicherry.

Convert: Lauren Booth, who is Cherie Blair¿s half sister, decided to convert to Islam after what she described as a holy experience in Iran

Why ARE so many modern British career women converting to Islam? Tony Blair’s sister-in-law announced her conversion to Islam. She is just one of a growing number of modern British career women to do so. writer EVE AHMED, who was raised as a Muslim before rejecting the faith, explores the reasons why......

Canada/Islam: ‘Tolerant Islam’…Ottawa Imam’s Mission OTTAWA Carrying a message of tolerance, a new Ottawa imam has taken up his job with a commitment to advance the cause of moderate Islam, help the Muslim minority contribute more to the wider society and enhance interfaith relations.......

Lament of the Masjid
I call you in the day and I call you at night. What's happened? For sure something's not right. Don't you recognize me anymore?.....