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The Muslims of France

 Muslims of France




Part 1 - Colonials

Many Muslims would die for France during the First and Second World Wars, but did France recognise their sacrifices?

Filmmaker: Karim Miské

As issues of immigration and integration raise Europe's political temperature, this three-part series examines the history of Muslim immigration to France - a country where debate continues to rage over how to reconcile a long-standing tradition of secularism with religious diversity.

Today, there are an estimated five million Muslims living in France. A century ago, they were referred to as "colonials". During the 1960s, they were known as "immigrants". Today, they are "citizens". But how have the challenges facing each generation of immigrants changed?

The first part of the series tells the story of the 5,000 Muslims who by 1904 were working on the shop floors of Paris, in the soap factories of Marseilles and in the coalfields of the north; of the Muslim soldiers who fought and died for France during the First World War; and the Muslim members of the resistance who helped liberate Paris in 1944. Born as North Africans, many would die for France. But how much did post-war France care about their sacrifices?

Part 2 - Immigrants

How a generation of Muslims abandoned their parents' dreams of returning home and began building their lives in France.

Filmmaker: Karim Miské

As issues of immigration and integration raise Europe's political temperature, this three-part series examines the history of Muslim immigration to France - a country where debate continues to rage over how to reconcile a long-standing tradition of secularism with religious diversity.

Today, there are an estimated five million Muslims living in France. A century ago, they were referred to as "colonials". During the 1960s, they were known as "immigrants". Today, they are "citizens". But how have the challenges facing each generation of immigrants changed?

The second part of the series explores post-Second World War immigration and reveals a generation of Muslims who, far from expecting to one day return home, began building their lives and communities in France.

Part 3 - Citizens

What challenges face the young Muslims who grew up in France and entered adulthood at a time of economic crisis?

Filmmaker: Karim Miské

As issues of immigration and integration raise Europe's political temperature, this three-part series examines the history of Muslim immigration to France - a country where debate continues to rage over how to reconcile a long-standing tradition of secularism with religious diversity.

Today, there are an estimated five million Muslims living in France. A century ago, they were referred to as "colonials". During the 1960s, they were known as "immigrants". Today, they are "citizens". But how have the challenges facing each generation of immigrants changed?

The third and final part of the series tells the stories of the young Muslims who grew up in France and entered adulthood at a time of economic crisis, massive unemployment and rampant social problems.




In April 2011, France became the first European country to enforce a ban of the face veil in public, which is just one of the many issues that emphasise the schism that remains between the different faces of French society [GALLO/GETTY]


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