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Myanmar Muslim Population Article

 Mayanmar [Page 2]



Shocking Picture Slaughter of Muslims in Burma - June 2012


Fleeing Myanmar Muslims Turned Away [By]
Fleeing deadly attacks by Buddhists on their homes, Myanmar’s Muslims escaping the violence by boats are being turned away by neighbouring Bangladesh.
“The United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees is advocating with the Bangladeshi authorities to allow safe haven on its territory....

Myanmar Probes Muslims Killing  [By]
Myanmar's government has appointed a minister and senior police chief to head an investigation into the killing of 10 Muslims by a Buddhist mob that resulted in a flare-up of sectarian violence in the country's Westernmost. There occurred organized, lawless and anarchic acts that can harm peace, stability and rule of law in Rakhine state state.


Distrust Feeds Myanmar Muslim Hatred 
The grisly killing of several Muslim passengers by Buddhist vigilantes is reflecting a growing anti-Muslim hostility in Myanmar and a pervasive discrimination of the sizable minority.
"The daily relationship with Buddhists is good as long as you know your limited ground and do not cross it,"

Myanmar Muslims Risk Live for Better Future
Earning their title as the world's most persecuted minority, Myanmar’s ethnic Rohingya Muslims are risking troublesome seas and lands to flee oppression at their homeland for a meager dream of a better life.


Buddhist Vigilantes Kill Myanmar Muslims 
Buddhist vigilantes in western Myanmar have attacked a bus and killed nine Muslims in one of the deadliest communal violence in the country.
"More than a hundred people beat and killed those people. The residents even torched the bus," a villager told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Myanmar Muslim Fulfils Learning Passion
Determined to create a brighter future, young Rozeya is becoming a role model for the Muslim community in Myanmar, managing to challenge decades-long obstacles which prevented generations of young girls from receiving a proper education.


Myanmar Mosque Helps Cyclone Victims
A mosque in central Yangon, Myanmar's former capital and biggest city, is extending assistance to hundreds of households in the vicinity affected by the fallout of the devastating cyclone that has battered the Asian country.

Discrimination Haunts Burma Muslims 
Muslims in the south-eastern Asian nation of Myanmar are complaining of catalogue of discrimination and abuses in their homeland.

Myo Win, a Burmese Muslim, said he was discriminated against since he was a young child.


Rohingyas Taste Bangladesh Abuses
Over the last few months we have treated victims of violence, people who claim to have been beaten by the police, claim to have been beaten by members of the host population,” said Paul Critchley, head of mission in Bangladesh for the aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres

Myanmar Muslim Rohingya people dig ditches outside tents at a temporary relief camp for people displaced by days of sectarian violence on the outskirts of Sittwe on June 15, 2012.  Myanmar

Myanmar moots camps or deportation for Rohingyas
[by jakartaGlobe]
Myanmar’s president told the UN Thursday that refugee camps or deportation was the “solution” for nearly a million Rohingya Muslims in the wake of communal unrest in the west of the country.

MDG : Burma

Burma's Rohingya refugees find little respite in Bangladesh
[by globaldevelopment]
Some sobbed quietly while others pleaded and raised their arms to heaven. Their children looked on with glassy stares, utterly exhausted after days at sea in an open boat. Soon they would be on the water again, escorted by a Bangladeshi coast guard vessel and pushed back into the waters of Burma where they knew violence still raged.


Analysis of Muslim Identity and Demography in Arakan
 [By -
UNB Connect]
Khin Maung Saw’s article “Islamization of Burma through Chittagonian Bengalis as Rohingya Refugees” is a revisionist attempt by a deranged chauvinist Magh to rewrite the history of the Muslims of Arakan. Racism and bigotry are written all over the article. In this post-9/11 era of hatemongering and Islamophobia, it is not difficult to understand his evil mindset that steered him to concoct such an absurd idea that the Rohingya


Bangladesh 'turns back' Myanmar refugees
[By Aljazeera]
Unknown number of people fleeing violence in Rakhine region are adrift in boats on Naf river, says UN refugee agency. UN officials who reached Rakhine this week said they saw a number of 'smouldering villages'

Top UN envoy in unrest-hit western Myanmar
[By Aljazeera]
A top United Nations envoy is in western Myanmar after an outbreak of religious violence that has left dozens dead.Vijay Nambiar, UN chief Ban Ki-moon's special adviser on Myanmar, flew into Sittwe, the capital of restive Rakhine state, on Wednesday.


Gallery Myanmar riots 
[By Aljazeera]
President Thein Sein has declared a state of emergency in western Myanmar following deadly clashes between local Buddhists and Muslims.  State television on Sunday said a dusk to dawn curfew had been imposed in the Rakhine state capital of Sittwe and three other townships. 

What is behind Myanmar's ethnic unrest?
[By Aljazeera]
Myanmar is on a very uneven and fragile road towards democracy but around 25 people have been killed and 41 others wounded in five days of riots in the country's western region.


The Rohingya: Myanmar's outcasts
[By Aljazeera]
Millions of residents of western Myanmar have been stripped of citizenship and basic human rights. Will Suu Kyi help?

Islamophobia and the fear of 'the other' in Myanmar   [By Aljazeera]
Racial tensions are coming to a head in Myanmar between the Buddhist majority and the Muslim Rohingya minority.


JI calls for protest against Myanmar ‘genocide’
Jamaat-e-Islami chief Munawar Hasan has appealed to the nation to observe Friday as a protest day against the massacre of Muslims in Arakan, Myanmar. In a statement on Wednesday, he said thousands of the Muslims in Arakan had been killed during the last a few weeks but the world was maintaining silence over the issue. 

Thein Sein Under Pressure on Rohingya Issue Ahead of Bangladesh Visit
RANGOON — As Burma’s President Thein Sein prepares to make a state visit to Bangladesh next month, many in Arakanese political circles are expecting him to take a clear stand on the status of the Rohingya, a people rejected by both countries.

A Buddhist man brandishes a machete amid rising tensions in Sittwe, Burma

Burma clashes kill scores despite curfew imposed in Arakan state [By thegurdian UK]
State of emergency in western province fails to salve tensions between Buddhists and Muslims sparked by alleged rape.

Scores of people have been killed in Burma as sectarian violence escalated despite the declaration of a state of emergency in the western state of Arakan.

Myanmar Facts
[By Benjamin Morgan, IslamOnline(IOL)]

 "Nobody has been able to help me," said Islam, now 51, as he sat under the shade of the small jewellery store that colleagues at the Ruili gemstone market in southwest China's Yunnan province have given him to tend.


Myanmar Info
[By IslamOnline(IOL)]
Yes, In Burma Muslim Population is 15%.Muslim are persecuted because of their religious backgrounds. Muslims in Burma cannot get ID (identity Card).They cannot get household list from authorities. They cannot sit for I`tikaf even in Ramadan. They cannot renovate mosque and authorities are restricted to build or renovate mosque. 


Myanmar Muslims Struggling for Survival in Malaysia
[By Kazi Mahmood, IslamOnline(IOL)]
It was a hectic day at a car washing center in this metropolitan Malaysian city with nine workers working hard to get the job done properly for meager earnings. They all hail from Myanmar’s Rohingya, a sect of Muslims who have been left on their own to survive in the new "concrete jungle" of Malaysia, escaping oppression and abuses in their motherland.


Myanmar: burmeserohingya  
[Suthep Chaviwan from Bangkok (2005-01-12)]
Armed Arakan fighters massing in the jungles located in the Burma - Bangladesh boarder region. Bangkok, Thailand, 12 January, ( Armed Muslim groups of Burma, both in Arakan
State bordering with Bangladesh and...


Arakan’s Muslims: A Snippet
[ By International Islamic News Agency (IINA)]
The military rulers of Burma (Myanmar) continues its repressive actions against the Muslims of Arakan Province, which is situated in the southwest of the country, and the repressive measures include the assassination of some individuals and the destruction of mosques. 


Myanmar Muslim  
[By International Islamic News Agency (IINA) ]
The Muslims of Myanmar (formerly Burma), who number 4,000,000 out of a total population of 53 million, are playing their rightful role in the country’s economic and social life. They are mainly involved in business and live in the main cities.


Myanmar: Muslims, Human Rights Watch
[By Human Rights Watch ,Washington, DC 20009]
As United Nations special envoy Razali Ismail prepares to visit Burma in early August, pressure is growing from the international community and Burmese ethnic minority leaders to broaden the ongoing dialogue between the democratic opposition and the ruling State Peace and Development Council


Myanmar: Rohingya Minority
[Fundamental  Rights Denied ,Amnesty International May 2004]
The Muslim ethnic minority, generally known as the Rohingyas, who live in northern Rakhine State, western Myanmar, continue to suffer from several forms of restrictions and human rights violations. The Rohingyas’ freedom of movement is severely restricted and the vast majority of them have effectively been denied Myanmar citizenship.


Myanmar: Transgression against muslim
 [By SalafiManhaj ]
There has been much talk of late with regards to the activities of the so called "peaceful" Buddhist Monks of Burma and their invlovment in the protests in  Burma which are motivated by the Burmese goverents increase in the prices of petrol, diesel and gas. The poverty-ridden population found this to be the last straw and activists took to the streets to protest.


What is Happening in Burma  
[By Dr. Habib Siddiqui,Posted: (]
Imagine this. You are living in a country that does not recognize you as a citizen in spite of the fact that your forefathers lived there for centuries. Half of your people have been forced to take refuge outside. Your country is run by a brutal and savage military regime and you face daily intimidation, extortion, abuse and repression.


Accounts from inside Burma
Burmese people are continuing their protests in Rangoon, despite the use of force by the Burmese security forces.People inside Burma have been e-mailing the BBC News website and talking to the BBC Burmese Service about the growing unrest.


37 years is a relatively long time to build up a viable economic relationship between two neighboring countries- Bangladesh & Myanmar. Let us take stock of what we have institutionally done so far

পূর্ব সীমান্তে এখনো দুঃসংবাদ 
 [By Prothom Alo Bangladesh]
মিয়ানমারের প্রেসিডেন্ট থেইন সেইনের দাবি শুনে আমাদের পুরান ঢাকার ঘোড়াগুলো পর্যন্ত হেসে উঠতে পারত। কিন্তু সামরিক বাহিনী-সমর্থিত সরকারের প্রেসিডেন্ট বলে কথা, হাসা বারণ। জাতিসংঘের শরণার্থীবিষয়ক তদারক সংস্থা ইউএনএইচসিআরের প্রধানের কাছে তিনি বলেছেন, ‘রোহিঙ্গারা মিয়ানমারের জনগণ নয়, বিতাড়নই এ সমস্যার একমাত্র সমাধান।’ ১৫ জুলাই তাঁর বাংলাদেশ সফরের কথা ছিল।

অবশ্যই আমাদের রাষ্ট্রবুদ্ধি প্রয়োজন, কিন্তু তার জন্য অমানবিক হতে হবে কেন?

দরিয়া কিনারে আজ দুঃখ অথৈ’
[By Prothom Alo Bangladesh]
করজোড়ে বলি, গ্রহণ করো রহম করো ভাই।’
ইতিহাসের কী অদ্ভুত পরিহাস! অষ্টম শতকে এক আরব সওদাগরি জাহাজ পশ্চিম আরাকান উপকূলে ভেঙে পড়ে। স্থানীয় রাজার নির্দেশ হয়, এদের হত্যা করো। অসহায় আরবেরা তখন নিজ ভাষায় রাজার প্রতি ‘রহম’ করার আবেদন জানায়। তারাই এই এলাকার নাম দেয় রহম-ব্রি, যার অর্থ করুণার ভূমি।







Shocking Picture Slaughter of Muslims in Burma - June 2012