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Myanmar Info

Myanmar Info





Session Details

Guest Name

Tun  Khin


Muslim Activist from Myanmar


Myanmar: The Escalating Crisis?


Wednesday,Oct 3 ,2007


... 17:00...To... 18:00
... 14:00...To...15:00


Editor    - 




Dear's readers,

The session has just started. Please feel free to join us with your questions. I would like to welcome Br. Tun Khin.

After the session has ended, you can view the whole dialogue by clicking recent sessions, or the archive.

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Rasha Mohammad's Editorial Secretary






Mohammed    - United States




Are there muslims in Myanmar other than in Yangon and Arakan areas? If yes, what percentage, and what is their condition.


Yes, In Burma Muslim Population is 15%.Muslim are persecuted because of their religious backgrounds. Muslims in Burma cannot get ID (identity Card).They cannot get household list from authorities. They cannot sit for I`tikaf even in Ramadan. They cannot renovate mosque and authorities are restricted to build or renovate mosque.

In Arakan, Rohingya Muslim are one of the most persecuted people on the earth. They have been facing because of their ethnical and religious backgrounds. Rohingya are 3 million and 1.5 million have been left from their own homeland.

The military declared Rohingyas as non nationals in utter disregard of their history ,glorious past and establishment in the country. They have been living in their own homeland time immemorial with distinct culture and civilization of their own.

Medicine San Frontiers (MSF) stated "Rohingyas are one of the ten world populations in most danger of extinction".
Even an animals have right to move from one place to another Rohingyas they can not move from one village to another.

Rohingya students cannot go to universities and .Since 1982 citizenship law, Rohingya students have been severely restricted on their pursuit of education.2500 Rohingya students have had abandon their further studies.

The Rohingyas are restricted from getting married and founding a family. Prospective brides and grooms have to get permissions from authorities.

Since 2004, There are 10,000 marriage applications pending with authorities in Northern Arakan.

Rape of Rohingya Women has become an official strategy and effective weapon to terrorize and compel the Rohingya community to flee the country.

The Rohingya Refugees are taking shelters in many countries of the world, such as Bangladesh, Pakistan Saudi Arabia, UAE, Thailand ,Malaysia...etc.
The Humanitarian situation of the rohingya refugees camps in Bangladesh is heartrending.


Farrukh    - United Kingdom




Assalam alaikum,

Do you feel the uprising in your country may be a prelude to similar uprising in the Muslim countries of the Middle East where people will want the basic wider rights of freedom as outlined by Islam which are currently sacrificed in place of wealth generated by oil?

Secondly, I know your country has been 'off the beaten track'. Once matters do settle, what would be the most important historical sites that you feel should be on a 'must do' list when visiting as a tourist?


Our country people are struggling for human rights and democaracy .They want freedom and their basic rights.

I think different people like different places and that is depend in the people.But for now we are supporting boycot to visit in Burma.



John    - Hong Kong




Can you give a short outline of the history of Burma, and how you reached the current political structure. Also, what sparked the current uprising and how do you feel about the lack of reaction or support from the leading world powers who continually speak of encouraging democracy?


Burma is in South East Asian country and get independence from 4th January 1948. From 1948-to 1962, it was democratic period in Burma.

In1962, Military General Ne Win coup power.
In July 1988, Ne Win stepped down, and in September 18, Military General Saw Maung seized the Power.

General Saw Maung have Promised the people that he would hold Multi-Party General election and the power would be transferred to whoever wins in the election. Then, Election National League for Democracy party won landslide victory by 82%.Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. The noble laureate was the leader of NLD.

In 1992,General Saw Maung was stepped down General, and Than Shwe have taken the power until today.

The country situation has been worsening day by day in terms of economic, social and political sides.

In August 2007, Military Regime unexpectedly increased the price of compressed National Gas by 500%doubled diesel priced and increased the price of petrol by two thirds. The passengers have to pay double their fares which 50 kyat to 100 kyat.

The Nation wide protests sparked by the sharp fuel price hike saw extraordinary participation by the Burmese people from all walks of life. Political activists, students, Monks, and ordinary citizens appeared willing to take greater risks to demand change from the military Regime.

The Military Regime reacted to the peaceful protests by violently cracking down on demonstrators.

In September 18 the monks stated historical protest in Rangoon and Mandalay and other cities across the country.

I welcome the fact that the UN Security Council has called on the military Junta to show restraint and is plan to send UN Special Envoy Ibrahim Gambari.

However more action needs to be taken by the UN. A resolution should be passed immediately, condemning the violations, setting out specific benchmarks with specific deadlines.

The benchmarks must include the immediate release of Aung San Su Kyi, the release of political prisoners and the start of meaningful dialogue between the regime, the National League for Democracy and ethnic Leaders.




Abdulhameed    - 




Brother Tun. What has happened to the monks that have gone missing? What is the future of your people?


I have received from my private source from Burma ,Rangoon, but is unconfirmed report: More than 2000 monks have been arrested , while public is 1000.

There are more than 150 monks been killed and public 100. Some witness say that some bones have been collected from few places.

It looks like more higher number people been killed. Few people and monks also have been burnt alive who were seriously injured.

We need International Community Support. The International community is not doing their job.

United Nation Security Council should pass immediately binding resolution with specific deadlines. The deadlines must include the immediate release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the release of political prisoners and start dialogue between the Regime, Nation League for Democracy and Ethnic Nationalities.




emilie    - 




do Muslims also support Aung San Suu Kyi? how do they feel about her?


Absolutely Yes. As, Aung San Su Kyi is democratic Leader. We hope she will be good for Muslims.



myriam    - 




Is the oppression of Muslims in any way different to that of other minorities in Burma - is the oppression ehtnicity based?


Muslim are facing more oppression than other ethnic groups. In Muslim Rohingya, Muslims who are living in Arakan are the worst victims and one of the most persecuted people on the earth.

Rohingyas are persecuted because of their ethnical and religious backgrounds.

Unlike other ethnic groups, Rohingya ethnic minority facing statelessness.

Rohingyas are declared non-national in utter disregard of their history, glorious past and establishment in the country.

Medicine San Frontiers(MSF) stated "Rohingya are one of the ten world populations in the most danger of extinction".

Rohingyas farmland has been confiscated kept under Military Control.
The Rohingyas have to provide forced labor to build military camps and establishments.

Rohingya are Banned travelling from one place to another ,even within the same locality.

They cannot visit friends, or relatives. They can not buy food from the markets or visit hospitals and doctors. They cannot send their children to schools.

Rohingyas Students are not admitted at the country colleges and universities. Rohingyas are restricted from getting married and founding a family. Prospective brides and grooms have to get permissions from different authorities.

Since 2004, there are at least 10,000 marriage applications pending with authorities in Northern Arakan.

Rape of Rohingya Women has become an official strategy and effective weapon to terrorize and compel the Rohingya community to flee the country.

From 3 million population of Rohingya, There are 1.5 million Roghingya have left from their own homeland because of persecution.

The Rohingya Refugees are sheltering in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Malaysia, Thailand,...etc.

The Situation of Rohingya Refugees Camps in Bangladesh is heartrending.




Farrukh    - United Kingdom




Assalam alaikum.

What is the main faith of the people of Burma, and given that the Muslim community is no doubt the minority, how are inter faith relations, and inter faith support, particularly in this difficult time, managed? I.e. It is one hurdle to improve the countries condition, but does faith get in the way of Burmese people working together?


Waalaikum Slalam,

Burmese People are good people and the Military Regime is creating problems to muslim and other religions. That's what I can say.



Editor    - 




Due to our guest's time concern, we end the session now. I would like to thank Brother Tun for taking the time to answer the questions of IslamOnline viewers, and all those who participated in this live dialogue.

You can read more about the recent news about Myanmar's Muslims by clicking here

Wishing you the best

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