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JI calls for protest against Myanmar genocide

JI calls for protest against Myanmar genocide




international The News Correspondent
Thursday, June 28, 2012


Jamaat-e-Islami chief Munawar Hasan has appealed to the nation to observe Friday as a protest day against the massacre of Muslims in Arakan, Myanmar.

In a statement on Wednesday, he said thousands of the Muslims in Arakan had been killed during the last a few weeks but the world was maintaining silence over the issue. He said millions of the people would like to migrate to Bangladesh but all borders had been closed to them. The Muslims houses and huts had been torched and thousands of them had been put to death but there had been no news about that in the international media.

Munawar said the United Nations had termed the Arakan Muslims as the most oppressed DPs but it had not taken any relief measures for them. He said the world media had also shut its eyes to the genocide of Muslims. There had been no protest by the Pakistan government while the so-called champions of human rights were the least bothered.

The JI chief also urged the OIC secretary general and the UN to take steps for the security of the Myanmar Muslims.

Ikhwanul Muslimoon: Ikhwanul Muslimoon supreme leader Dr. Muhammad Badie has thanked the people of Pakistan for expressing good wishes for the newly elected government of Egypt.

The Ikhwan Supreme leader expressed these sentiments during a telephonic talk with Ameer, Jamaat-e-Islami, Pakistan, Syed Munawwar Hasan, who rang him on Wednesday to congratulate him on behalf of the JI and Pakistani nation on the historic victory of the Islamic movement in the Egyptian elections.

Dr. Muhammad Badie told JI Ameer that the Muslims all over the world had great love for Pakistan. He said the victory of the Ikhwanul Muslimoon had made it clear to the world at large that the Muslim Ummah was a single entity.

He further said that the victory of the Ikhwanul Muslimoon despite all conspiracies from different sides was an indication that Almighty Allah wanted the supremacy of Islam in the world. He was sure that Allah would continue to guide them in every step in the days to come, and the Islamic movements would emerge victorious in different countries.

During the telephonic talk, Syed Munawwar Hasan paid rich tribute to the Egyptian people for their unprecedented struggle and supreme sacrifices for the Islamic revolution.

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