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Liberia Muslim Population Article




1.  Islam in Liberia  
Islam in Liberia is practiced by 20% of the population. The vast majority of Liberian Muslims are Sunni, with only a few Shi'ites, mostly of Lebanese origin. The primary Muslim ethnic groups are the Vai and Mandingo. Muslims first came to what is now Liberia between the 11th century. America-Liberian Methodists, the first Christians in Liberia, arrived on January 7, 1822.


2.  Liberia: Islam, Music & religious change in Liberia  
A case study from vai Country By Lester Monts]
Islam in Liberia is practiced by 20% of the population. The vast majority of Liberian Muslims are Sunni, with only a few Shi'ites, mostly of Lebanese origin. The primary Muslim ethnic groups are the Vai and Mandingo. Muslims first came to what is now Liberia between the 11th century. America-Liberian Methodists, the first Christians in Liberia, arrived on January 7, 1822.


3.Liberian Head of State’s wife speaks 
By International Islamic News Agency(IINA)] 
The wife of the Liberian Head of State, who is an activist for Islam, Madame Fatma Taylor, has said that the Muslims in her country do need help from their Muslim brethren in other parts of the world, because they are being constantly subject to Christian missionary attempts to draw them away from their Islamic religion. She said the missionaries take advantage of the people’s poverty, and they have already scored some successes in this respect.

4.Liberian Muslims and the African Napoleon 
By Sabir Abdellatif ,islamOnline(IOL)]
The whole world has recently been preoccupied with Liberia and the bloody civil war there, but nobody referred to, or even hinted at, the political position of Liberian Muslims and their role in the war. Even in the Muslim world, very few know that 25% of the Liberian population are Muslims who have established a great civilization embellished with four centuries of glories! 


5.  Muslim Youth Group Joins Kafumbah Konneh's Stance 
by,18 December 2008]
The National Muslim Students Association of Liberia (NAMSAL) has said that it will not honor the ultimatum given by the Monrovia City Corporation and Council relative to the painting of homes and businesses in the city by this weekend.

The move by the group comes few days after an official of the National Muslim Council of Liberia, Sheik Kafumbah Konneh said he will not paint his house because by doing so would suggest a belief in Christmas, which is observed by Christians.

In a press release issued yesterday, the group terms its action as "a campaign of civil disobedience" to this mandate.


6.  Religious Affiliation and Ethnicity
The lack of precise information on religious affiliation and commitment in Liberia is reflected in the conflict between a statement in the World Christian Encyclopedia that "traditional religions are the living faith of well over half the population" and a table in the same source showing that just under one half of the population adhered to tribal religions in 1970. The text is likely to be more accurate than the table. In the same table, 31 percent of the population is said to consist of professing Christians, but that includes two categories: affiliated Christians (about 19 percent of the total population) and nominal Christians (about 11 percent). Because it was not uncommon in some situations for indigenous people to say that they were Christians, many in the category of nominal Christians may be said more accurately to be adherents of indigenous religions. In its table of religious adherents, the encyclopedia gives the proportion of Muslims in 1970 as 19 percent but as 8 percent at one point in its text. Some observers claim, however, that Muslims were increasing in the 1970s and 1980s at a faster rate than Christians and may, in fact, outnumber them.