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Liberian Head of State’s wife speaks

Liberian Head of State’s wife speaks




Monrovia, Rabi Thani 22/July 13 ,2001(IINA) - The wife of the Liberian Head of State, who is an activist for Islam, Madame Fatma Taylor, has said that the Muslims in her country do need help from their Muslim brethren in other parts of the world, because they are being constantly subject to Christian missionary attempts to draw them away from their Islamic religion. She said the missionaries take advantage of the people’s poverty, and they have already scored some successes in this respect.

Madame Fatma told IINA that Liberia’s Muslims need mosques to be built for them, as well as Islamic schools, medical clinics, and training facilities for their Imams and Daawa activists, so as to enable them to perform their functions in the best possible manner.

Madame Taylor appealed to Muslim philanthropists and Islamic organizations to lend a helping hand to their Muslim brethren in her country, whose Muslims make up 45 percent of the total population.