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Liberia: Muslim Youth Group Joins Kafumbah Konneh's Stance

Liberia: Muslim Youth Group Joins
Kafumbah Konneh's Stance




The National Muslim Students Association of Liberia (NAMSAL) has said that it will not honor the ultimatum given by the Monrovia City Corporation and Council relative to the painting of homes and businesses in the city by this weekend.

The move by the group comes few days after an official of the National Muslim Council of Liberia, Sheik Kafumbah Konneh said he will not paint his house because by doing so would suggest a belief in Christmas, which is observed by Christians.

In a press release issued yesterday, the group terms its action as "a campaign of civil disobedience" to this mandate.

It said the ultimatum of the MCC that "a fine of USD200 would be levied on any property owner who does not paint his or her building before December 19, 2008" is according to this group "not informed by reality".

The group said the MCC failed to realize the fact that Monrovia is not only occupied by Christians who according to it have much to do with Christmas ,but that it is inhabited by other sects like Muslims whom the release states that, are only "obliged to honor and dignify national holidays".

The Muslim youth group in their release maintained that all the mosques within the vicinity of the Monrovia City would not comply with what they described as a "draconian decree" of the MCC ,adding that it is prepared to seek redress in the high court of Liberia against anybody that may victimize a Muslim for this stance.

However the group in their release urged all Muslims to remain committed to any endeavor that is aimed at strengthening peace and political social development in the country.

Meanwhile this press through its investigations, have learnt to know that the said mandate by the Monrovia City Cooperation, which states that every owner of a house or a business centre within the Monrovia must paint it before tomorrow, is not geared towards any religious differences, but that it is intended to give the country a face lift for the new year

Boima J.V. Boima : Source :