

1.  International Religious Freedom Reports
by BBC NEWS ,Thursday,3 November,2005]
The Constitution provides for freedom of religion, and the Government generally respects this right in practice.

There was no change in the status of respect for religious freedom during the period covered by this report, and government policy continued to contribute to the generally free practice of religion.

The generally amicable relationship among religions in society contributed to religious freedom; however, there were a few incidents of religious discrimination by private actors. In addition, some religious groups face societal pressure and discrimination within their regions, although this may reflect ethnic more than religious differences. In general, persons of different religions cohabitate peacefully.

The U.S. Government discusses religious freedom issues with the Government as part of its overall policy to promote human rights.

Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, left, speaks at a press conference in Riyadh on Wednesday while Abdullah Akumpu, the father of the Cameroonian conjoined twins, and Dr. Sheikh Ibrahim, look on. (AN photo by Mohammed Rasooldeen)

2.  Father of Conjoined Twins Embraces Islam
By Arab News ,19 July  2007]
RIYADH, 19 July 2007 — The father of the Cameroonian Siamese twins, Phambom and Shefbou, who were separated at King Abdul Aziz Medical City (KAMC) in April this year, embraced Islam at a simple function held yesterday at the hospital in the presence of selected guests.

The father, James Akumpu, became Abdullah Akumpu and recited the kalima after Dr. Sheikh Ibrahim. “We are very happy to accept Akumpu into the fold of Islam,” Dr. Ibrahim told guests. He explained the basic principles of Islam and told Abdullah to adhere to them and be an ambassador of Islam in his own country.


3.  Dozen of Cameroonians convert to Islam
By Turkish non-profit organization IHH]
Cameroon is one of the poorest African countries. Natural resources of the country were exploited by Western colonialists for ten years. Hundreds of thousands of Cameroonians were shipped to Europe and the United States as slaves during the colonial rule.

The Cameroonian people, who suffered extensively from the slave trade, are now striving to recover with the help of Turkey and other Muslim countries. 

The palace of the sultan of the Bamun people at Foumban, West Province

4. Islam in Cameroon
Muslims comprise roughly 22 percent of Cameroon's 18 million inhabitants.[1] The Fulani, a pastoral nomadic group, spread Islam in early 19th century West Africa largely through commercial activity and Sufi brotherhoods (Qadiri and Tijani). In the northern provinces, the locally dominant Fulani overwhelmingly is Muslim. Other ethnic groups, known collectively as the Kirdi, generally practice some form of Islam. The Bamoun ethnic group of the West Province is also largely Muslim.