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Dozen of Cameroonians convert to Islam

Dozen of Cameroonians convert to Islam




The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation offered fast-breaking dinner and distributed food packages to 160 Cameroonian people who have newly converted to Islam. The Muslims were pleased that Turkish Muslims extended their help in their first Ramadan fasting.

Cameroon is one of the poorest African countries. Natural resources of the country were exploited by Western colonialists for ten years. Hundreds of thousands of Cameroonians were shipped to Europe and the United States as slaves during the colonial rule.   

The Cameroonian people, who suffered extensively from the slave trade, are now striving to recover with the help of Turkey and other Muslim countries.   

IHH officials distributed food packages to 125 families in Douala city and offered fast-breaking dinner to 360 people, 60 of them have recently converted to Islam.      

In the city of Lagdo, 100 new converts totally 200 families were given food packages. Fast-breaking dinner was offered to 500 people in capital city Yaoundé, and to 400 orphan students in Ngaoundere city. 

The Cameroonian citizens, particularly those who have lately accepted Islam, were gratified by the help IHH provided.  

A Cameroonian youngster who changed his name to Othman after converting to Islam said it was the first time he was fasting and performing prayers. "I thank God for guiding me to the path of Islam. I am especially pleased by the hand Turkish Muslims extended to us," he added.    

Muslims make 50 percent of Cameroon's 16-million population. Cameroonian Muslims have certain problems about mosques and school.  

Although Cameroon has large forests, pastures and arable lands, Cameroonian people mostly reside in single-room, straw-roofed houses made out of wood. Primitive methods are still employed in farming and livestock breeding. Natural resources of Cameroon were exploited extensively by colonial powers. Cameroon's education and technology standards are at very low level. Highways are almost nonexistent. Intercity transportation is made by railways in certain regions, while means of transportation are very limited in the rest of the country.

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