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UAE Muslim Population Article



1.  UAE
By U.S. Library Of Congress]

Religion: The vast majority (approximately 96 percent) of the UAE’s citizens are Muslims; approximately 85 percent of Muslims are Sunni and 15 percent, Shia. The government funds or subsidizes almost 95 percent of Sunni mosques and employs all Sunni imams. A central federal Library of Congress – Federal Research Division Country Profile: United Arab Emirates, July 2007 regulatory authority distributes weekly guidance to both Sunni imams and Shia sheikhs regarding the content of sermons. The UAE’s constitution declares that Islam is the official religion of all seven of the constituent emirates of the federal union. Muslims are expressly prohibited from converting to other
religions, but conversion by non-Muslims to Islam is viewed favorably. During Ramadan, all residents and visitors are required to abide by restrictions imposed on Muslims. Islamic studies are mandatory for citizen children attending public schools and for Muslim children attending private schools. Religious instruction in non-Muslim religions is not permitted in public schools.

