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Salam Police No Solution To Filipino Muslims Problems

Salam Police No Solution To Filipino Muslims Problems




Muslims, a minority in Christian Philippines, complain of being discriminated against by the government and stereotyped as terrorists

By Rexcel Sorza, IOL Correspondent

ILOILO CITY, April 8 ( – The special police force created by the government with Muslims as officers and members would not stem human rights violations against Filipino Muslims but rather pit Muslims against each other, the Moro Christian People’s Alliance (MCPA) warned Thursday, April 8.

"Whether they be Muslims or Christians, they will employ the same manners and tactics of police operations such as abduction, indiscriminate arrests, ‘zoning,’ or saturation drives," the group said in a statement sent to

After a dinner-dialogue with Muslim leaders on Tuesday, April 6, President Gloria Arroyo ordered the creation of the new Salam Police force to oversee police matters concerning Muslim communities.

The search committee for members of this new team would be the three Muslim PNP provincial commanders in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), Zamboanga and Basilan.

"The worst part of it is that it pits Muslims against Muslims. This is a much divisive tool on the Muslim people, and will not help in quelling human rights violation," stressed the MCPA.

It added that the newly-created force "will just legitimize the policies of the government in the anti-terrorism drive.

"For example, the implementation of the ID system - the idea of having the Muslims wear ID is already discrimination. Making Muslim leaders and police impose the ID system on fellow Muslims perpetuates discrimination. The same goes with the implementation of the anti-terror policies," said the MCPA.

Damage-Control Measure

Arroyo’s move was seen as a "damage-control measure" after Muslims made public through prayer rallies and protest actions their indignation over the recent spate of arrests of alleged terrorists, all being Muslims.

MCPA Secretary General Amirah Ali Lidasan said "this was the same answer we got from the president when we protested against the military atrocities in conducting military operations in Mindanao .

"In the light of the military attack in Buliok, she conceptualized the creation of Salam Soldiers. But this did not resolve the reported atrocities of the military. It merely changed the person and religion doing it."

On Monday, some 7,000 Muslims gathered at the Quezon City Memorial Circle in Metro Manila and held a prayer rally until early Tuesday morning.

Thousands of Muslims also took to the streets of the Marawi City condemning the arbitrary arrests and apparent attack against Muslims.

More Arrests

Meanwhile, Lidasan welcomed the release of Abdulwali Villanueva, one of six Muslims recently arrested by security forces, sans warrants, on allegation of links with the Abu Sayyaf group.

"We owe much to the people who protested against his, Dellosa and Radzmar's abduction for his release.  If it were not for the thousands of Muslim brothers and sisters who protested against the crackdown on Balik-Islam centers and members, the president might not have turned her attention to the matter," she said.

Many believe the six suspects were abducted and tortured to admit the charges leveled against them.

Despite Manila ’s denial it is closing in on Filipino Muslims in its renewed crackdown against terrorists, the MCPA anticipated more arbitrary arrests of Filipino Muslims.

"While Arroyo was meeting with a group of Muslims, led by popular actor Robin Abdul Hazziz Padilla, along with the families of the alleged Abu Sayyaf terrorists Tuesday evening, there was a report of arrested residents of Globo de Oro, Quiapo [Muslim district] on suspicion of being terrorists," said the group's statement.

"So we expect the same incident that brought Abdulwali Villanueva, Habil Dellosa, and others to jail."

Lidasan appealed to the Filipino nation to "continue to consistently take a stand against violations of the civil liberties of the Muslims."

Filipino Muslims, a minority in this Christian nation, said they are being discriminated against by the government and are stereotyped as terrorists.

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