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Filipino MP Proposes Islamic University

Filipino MP Proposes Islamic University




Dumarpa is seeking the help of OIC, suggesting that the Philippine government seems not to have enough funds for the proposal.

Rexcel Sorza, IOL Correspondent

MANILA — A Muslim legislator is championing a proposal for the creation of a state-run Islamic university in the largely Catholic Philippines.

"It will bring about peace because it will bring about the consciousness of Islamic values. Remember, real Islam shuns violence. This is what we need to nurture and foster today," Rep. Faysah Dumarpa, a member of the lower house of Congress, told

Dumarpa believes the establishment of the first ever Islamic university would send a positive message to the country's estimated 10 million Muslims.

"It will boost the morale of the Filipino Muslims who have been depicted as violent, as terrorists, as fighters."

Dumarpa is seeking the help of the 56-member Organization of Islamic Conference, suggesting that the Philippine government seems not to have enough funds for the proposal.

"The help of the OIC will surely speed up the Islamic university's establishment."

Largely Catholic Philippines has been seeking an observer membership in the Muslim umbrella organization. The mineral-rich southern region of Mindanao is the birthplace of Islam in the Philippines and home to about 5 million Muslims.

Dumarpa's proposal is now pending before the House of Representatives' committee on higher education.


Dumarpa believes the university would forge better relations between Muslims and non-Muslims, an opinion shared by many.

"An Islamic university in the Philippines would be beneficial not only to the Muslims in the country but to the whole country," Norodin Makalay, a young Moro writer based in Mindanao, told IOL.

"It will help foster good relations between the Muslim and non-Muslim citizens," Makalay believes.

"Let us not forget that Islam is the most misunderstood religion in the world today. Whatever wrongdoing a supposedly Muslim perpetrates in any part of the globe immensely affects the whole Muslim world as if it is the eternal sin of the entire Islam believers why that particular person acts that way."

Makalay insists that the university will be an effective instrument to dispel clouds of misunderstanding that cover Islam and its believers.

"This will pave the way for understanding, respect and peaceful co-existence between the Muslim and non-Muslim citizens of the country."


Although there are Islamic studies schools in prestigious state-funded universities like University of the Philippines, Mindanao State University and Western Mindanao State University, Makalay is convinced that there remains a need for a university that focuses only on Islam and the Muslim world.

"The establishment of a university that specializes on Islam will address the Moro people's hunger for self-identity," he explains.

The young Moro writer wants the proposed university to also teach the Arabic language.

"Let us not forget that Arabic is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. A good knowledge of the Arabic language by anyone regardless of religion is an international edge itself," he believes.

Makalay believes the establishment of the university will improve the relations between Muslims and their government.

"It will also help reverse the common notion among Muslims here that the Philippine government is a government of the non-Muslims, by the non-Muslims and for the non-Muslims."

Yusuf Turabin, another young Moro, agreed.

"This is the right time for the government to show its serious concern to us Muslims. We have the right to education in this country which prides itself on democracy," he told IOL.

"The government should better show that indeed everyone gets access to education by putting up the first Islamic university."

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