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Myanmar Muslim Population Article

 Mayanmar [Page 1]



Shocking Picture Slaughter of Muslims in Burma - June 2012


1.  Q&A: Current Crisis in Myanmar (Burma)  [by Khilafah]

Question: Kindly give us an overview about the political reality of Myanmar (Burma) and the reasons for the terrible persecution of Muslims there, as well as the regional and international stances towards it, with thanks and appreciation.
Below is an overview of what is ...

2.  History of arrival of Islam in Burma Myanmar  [by Muslimwiki]

The first Muslims landed in Myanmar / Burma’s Ayeyarwady River delta, Tanintharyi coast and Rakhine as seamen in the ninth century, prior to the establishment of the first Myanmar (Burmese) empire in 1055 AD by King Anawrahta of Bagan (or Pagan).


3. My Interview on the Rohingya Crisis
[ with Journalist S. Azizur Rahman:Habib Siddiqui ]
Recently I was interviewed by veteran journalist Shaikh Azizur Rahman who is affiliated with Radio Australia, Deutsche Welle Radio and Voice of America TV. We discussed the current Rohingya crisis. Here below are my responses to his questions.

he Rohingyas people of Arakan are mostly Muslims with a small Hindu population among them. They are racially Indo- Semitic. They are not an ethnic group developed from one tribal group affiliation or single racial stock. Tides of people like the the Brahmins from India, Arabs, Moghuls, Bengalis .........
  5. Muslims Killed In Myanmar [By IslamOnline(IOL)]
Around 15-20 Rohingya Muslims have been killed in Moley Phara town of Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), the International Islamic News Agency (IINA) reported Friday.
Eyewitnesses claim that a group of militant Buddhists came to the predominantly Muslim area and started a fight with locals.


6.  Rohingya tangled in Burma citizenship politics
[ By Nurul Islam (UK)  Posted  danyawadi  ]
Burma is a multi-cultural society with multi-ethnicities. During its independence a feeling of awareness for an ethnic togetherness and comprehensive identity to form joint feelings for tranquillity & safety developed


7. Myanmar refugees in Pakistan rally in support of ancestral lands
[ Sat Aug 4, 2012 By Press TV ]
Muhammad Ismail Arkani tells us the story of his parents when they flee Myanmar and how the June-violence reminds him the past of his ancestors.

8.Rohingya Muslim refugees reveal their sufferings in Myanmar [By Press TV]  
We are all living in worst conditions. Young women are assaulted, molested and raped by the Myanmar forces. Many of us have been forcibly taken away from homes, exploited and sent back to the community so that we live with humiliation forever."


9. Persecution of Muslims in Myanmar, result of Islamophobia Analysis   [By Press TV]
It’s cloaked in diplomatic language and military goals and all that, but the people in the United States have learned a sort of knee-jerk reaction against Islam and I think that is the broader problem.”  


11. Letter from America:Neo-Nazi Racism in Myanmarn
[ By Dr.Habib Siddiqui,August 6,2012 ]
In his book – Worse Than War – Daniel Jonah Goldhagen says that during mass murders, the murderers themselves, their supporters and those who wish to stand idly by practice linguistic camouflage. And this has been the case with the apartheid regime in Myanmar


12. Letter from America: What’s wrong with Mr. Win’s Win-Win formula?
[ By Dr. Habib Siddiqui ,Asian Tribune,Sun,  ]
Last week, I came across Kanbawza Win's long article – “Killing two birds with a stone or a Win, Win Situation” – discussing his thesis for solving the Rohingya crisis in Burma. 


13. Asian Tribune,Letter from America: Rohingya Refugees
[ By Dr. Habib Siddiqui Sun, 2012-07-15]
It was the dateline set by the Thein Sein government of Myanmar for an inquiry report on current violence in the Arakan state, triggered by the lynching of ten tablighi Muslims (visiting from Rangoon) on June 3. That violence soon turned into a well-orchestrated pogrom against the Rohingya Muslims


14.  Letter from America: An Open Letter to Daw Suu Kyi of Burma ,Asian Tribune  [ By Dr. Habib Siddiqui ]
Dear Daw Suu Kyi,
For more than a decade, as a concerned human rights activist, I have worked towards release of political prisoners like you and democratization of Burma (Myanmar).

  15. Racism to Rohingya in Burma [By danyawadi]
An enclave is part of a country geographically separated from the main part by the surrounding foreign territory. A great deal of works has been done by the military’s civilian collaborators on the province of Arakan (Rakhine province) claiming that there is the existence of an enclave in Burma. Most prominent of the authors is Aye Chan. Aye Chan, a native of Burma’s Arakan (Rakhine) province,

16. Muslims massacred in Burma
[By - The Muslim News]
Riot police fired on more than 500 young Muslim Rohingyas who were demonstrating peacefully in Myoma Kayandan village on June 8 to pay respect to 10 Muslims murdered in Taungup (Taunggoke) in Rakhine State, Myanmar (Burma)


17.  The Latest Extinction Campaign Against the Rohingyas of Burma [ By Habib Siddiqui,Sunday,June,2012 ]
It has been little more than two months that Aung San Suu Kyi was elected into the lower house of Burmese Parliament. The by-elections (only the country's third in half a century) in which her party NLD won 44 of the 45 available seats were a crucial test of reforms that convinced the West to soften its pariah image.

Catholic Church News Image of Unregistered Rohingyas’ aid blocked

18. Unregistered Rohingyas’ aid blocked,NGOs ordered to end food and medical help for refugees
[ By reporters]
The Bangladesh government says it has ordered three international relief agencies to stop aiding unregistered Muslim Rohingyas from Myanmar who are now taking refuge just inside its borders

Catholic Church News Image of Bangladesh loses sight of own refugee past.Author - The Third Eye, Dhaka

19.  Bangladesh loses sight of own refugee past,Refusal to accept fleeing Rohingya betrays ignorance of history
[ The Third Eye, Dhaka Bangladesh,June 22, 2012 ]Refusal to accept fleeing Rohingya betrays. Bangladesh, one of the world’s poorest and most densely populated countries, rarely makes international headlines for good reasons, so if you see something hit the wires of the international press,prepare yourself for the worst  ignorance of history

Catholic Church News Image of Rakhines burn Rohingya homes: villagers

20. Rakhines burn Rohingya homes: villagers,UN calls for independent investigation to ongoing ethnic conflict in Rakhine state
[ By Daniel Wynn, Yangon,Myanmar]
Nearly 200 houses of Rohingya Muslims were burned down allegedly by Rakhines in the villages of Gotepi Tawk and Apout Wa in Kyauktaw township in Rakhine state, according to local sources


21. Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and the Recent Riots
 [ by Asghar Ali Engineer ]
The world was shocked when news came about riots in Rakhian state (Arakan) of Myanmar between Rohingya Muslims and Buddhists in which more than 100 Muslims have been killed and property worth millions have been destroyed. AMAN (Asian Muslim Action Network) which has Asia wide network decided to intervene and bring about peace in Myanmar (Burma) which, otherwise, has been a peaceful country.

Catholic Church News Image of Rakhine state curfew widens

22.Rakhine state curfew widens,Security tightened after more deadly clashes  
[ By Daniel Wynn, Yangon Myanmar, August 2012 ]  Authorities in Rakhine state yesterday imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew in Kyauktaw township following an outbreak of new sectarian violence on Sunday between ethnic Rakhines and Muslim Rohingyas that left seven people dead.

  23. Narrtive on present situation in Myanmar conflict
 [ by a Victim,Sunday June 24 2012, [ By Mohamed Mufiz ] Dear all Brothers and sisters who concerned in this regards
Rakhine hooligans and members, of Sumaashin (reserved secret forces of USDP) in the supervision of Rathedaung Township administrator, secretly entered under the cover of nightfall in Anukprin village where the villagers are completely Rohingyas Muslims residing.
Mr. Win's Solution for the Rohingyas of Burma is a recipe for Fascism

24 .Mr. Win's Solution for the Rohingyas of Burma is a recipe for Fascism [ by Dr. Habib Siddiqui,2012-07-31, By Dr. Habib Siddiqui ] 
Last week, I came across Mr. Kanbawza Win's article – “Killing two birds with a stone or a Win, Win Situation” – discussing his thesis for solving the Rohingya crisis in western Burma. As a global citizen who has worked for decades to make our world a more inclusive one away from the brunt of racism and bigotry,

Is the Theme of 'World Refugee Day' becoming a farce?

25.  Is the Theme of 'World Refugee Day' becoming a farce?
[ by Dr. Habib Siddiqui] June 20 marked the World Refugee Day. It was supposed to raise awareness of the plight of the estimated 42 million displaced people worldwide. A United Nations report released that week showed that 800,000 people were forced to flee across borders last year -- more than any time since 2000.

An Open Letter to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma

26. An Open Letter to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma [ by Dr. Habib Siddiqui]
Dear Daw Suu Kyi,
For more than a decade, as a concerned human rights activist, I have worked towards release of political prisoners like you and democratization of Burma (Myanmar). It was good to see that the new regime had the far-sightedness to release you with so many others that were put behind the bars for no fault of theirs

Catholic Church News Image of Demands grow to lift NGO refugee ban

27. Demands grow to lift NGO refugee ban,Agencies must be allowed to aid Rohingyas, say
[ US and UN, reporter, Bangladesh ] 
The United States has joined the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in urging the government to allow aid agencies to restore much-needed assistance to Rohingya Muslims who have fled sectarian violence in neighboring Myanmar.


28. India rolls out red carpet for Myanmar military chief  India Friday rolled out the red carpet for the Myanmar armed forces chief, assuring that it will support its neighbour by providing military training to its personnel. Myanmar armed forces commander-in-chief General Min Aung Hlaing, who landed in India on Wednesday, met India's Defense Minister 

  29.  Western Burma in Conflict: Rights, Reconciliation
[ Published in Huffingtonpost, Posted: 07/16/2012 1:43 pm ]
Two months of horrific escalations of violence have engulfed western Burma's Rakhine State. While the conflict lurches between reproach and revenge, the media seems to be at a crossroads between better reportage and being forgotten by the drive of the news cycle.

30. Report blasts Myanmar treatment of Rohingya  [By Aljazeera] Myanmar security forces have killed, raped or carried out mass arrests of Rohingya Muslims after deadly riots in the northeast in June, a rights group has said, adding the authorities had done little to prevent the initial unrest.

Myanmar Muslims’ massacre protested

31. Myanmar Muslims’ massacre protested
[By Nation]
RAWALPINDI - Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), NA-56 chapter, registered its strong protest outside Rawalpindi Islamabad Press Club (RIPC) on Monday against innocent killings of Muslims in Myanmar.   

32.JI to observe solidarity day with Myanmar Muslims on August 3 [By The Express Tribune]
LAHORE: The Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) will observe a solidarity day with the Muslims of Myanmar on August 3 against “the atrocities being perpetrated on them by the armed forces and the Buddhist hooligans”  


33. Report denounces Myanmar attacks on Rohingya [
By Al Jazeera And Agencies]

Al Jazeera's Nicholas Haque filed this exclusive report from the Bangladesh-Myanmar border  


34.End Rohingya Atrocities; Muslims, Buddhists Urge [By] 
Muslim and Buddhist groups in India called Tuesday, July 17, for the Indian government to intervene to end the ongoing atrocities committed against Muslims in neighboring Myanmar.


 35. Suu Kyi and the Rohingya: a Heroine No More
Like many I watched with joy as Aung San Suu Kyi spent two weeks traveling Europe. Throughout her house detention she won numerous awards including the Nobel Peace Prize, and while in England as well as meeting the likes of the Dalai Lama, she spoke of how her memories

 36. Rohingya Muslims Suffer Brutal Force 
A leading human rights watchdog has accused Burma “biased” local police and military of using “brutal force” against Rohingya Muslim minority as sectarian violence flared in northern Arakan (Rakhine) state


37. Suu Kyi Urged to End Myanmar Muslim Plight
A global Muslim body appealed to Myanmar’s pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi on Thursday, July 5, to help end the plight of the Muslim minority in the south-east Asian country.

38.To Rohingya: The Forgotten Nation

“Illegal immigrants!” they shouted at you
In a merciless dream, I saw a nation without state
Hopes in limbo, uncertain in fate
Forgotten and ignored, subject to hate

39. Rohingya Muslims Dream of Malaysia Home
Escaping humiliation and killing in their home country, Myanmar Rohingya Muslims are feeling to Malaysia where they hope to get refugee rights to end their plight as one of the world's most enduring refugee crises.

40. Under the Yoke of Oppression [By]
For three days, Htay Aung was blindfolded, and repeatedly forced to crouch low, balance on the balls of his feet and place his hands behind his neck in an interrogation cell. Then the questions would start.





Shocking Picture Slaughter of Muslims in Burma - June 2012