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Mongolia Mufti Visits

Mongolia Mufti Visits




Mongolia Mufti Azadhan Muhanoğlu visited The Union of Non-Governmental Organizations of the Islamic World (IDSB). Muhanoğlu, who comes Turkey as invitatory of Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Foundation, has acted as representative of Mongolia Muslims and has displayed activity for 15 years in order to solve the problems of Muslims in Mongolia and to provide them to live up to their conviction under better conditions. Muhanoğlu, attracting attention that about 170 hundred Muslim live in Mongolia, having 2,5 million populations, stated that Mongolian Muslims became much more conscious and there were 27 small mosques in the region.

Muhanoglu, Chairman of Mongolian Islam Association Organization and also Ihlas Foundation, informed about his activities in his visit and he received briefing about UNION from General Coordinator Mustafa Özkaya. Muhanoglu said that he requested to be member of UNION as soon as possible and therefore; they would make all kinds of necessary preparations

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