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Japan Info

Japan Info (A Trip to Japan- Live Chat)




Guest Name

IOL Correspondent Marwan  Mohammad


A Trip to Japan- Live Chat


Thursday,Aug 23 ,2007

Time Makkah
... 13:00...To... 14:00
... 10:00...To...11:00
Name Editor    - 
Question "Muslim Travels Around the World" is a new theme that (IOL) has planned to cover through a series of live sessions.

A one-year trip to Japan will be the first to start with in these live sessions. Dear readers, I would like to welcome Marwan Mohammad, IOL Correspondent with us today.

Click here
to watch the photos taken by Marwan during his trip to Japan

The session has just started. Please feel free to join us with your questions.

After the session has ended, you can view the whole dialogue by clicking recent sessions, or the archive.

For feedback and suggestions, please e-mail us at:


Rasha Mohammad's Editorial Secretary




mahmoud    - Palestine




Can you describe to us the most important tradition in this country**


As salaam alaikum,

From my experience, I think the main tradition of Japan is one of respect.

Respect of the rules can be seen through the life of the society, with a very low rate of delinquency and a feeling of efficiency of the public transportation, of the administration,etc

Respect of the people, with people coming from all around the world to live in Tokyo, whatever their color and religion.


abdoِ    - Egypt


Alown Humanitarian Network Site Admin


In The Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

"Peace be upon you."

We all know that the Japanese people as they want to live in a peaceful life especially after the disaster of the atomic bombs which had bombered their country My question is How can the Islamic culture spread in the Japanese society as the Islamic culture also spreads easily in the peaceful communities and How they look at suffers of the Muslims minorities and the oppression of the Zionists on the Palestinian people . Do they feel the suffers of the children and cries of the babies who lose their parents in the Zionist aggressions finally I hope Islam spread alot in this respectable country and if we can present any volunteering efforts through the internet to address the Japanese people if so e-mail us at info@alown.or Alown humanitarian network aims to help the charitable foundations which do the non-profitable work and for serving the society to find helpful volunteers
Thanks and Regards,

Alown Editorial



wa alaikum el salaam Abdo,

Thank you so much for your question, as it is one of the most important thing I have been thinking about during my stay in Japan. As you said, Japanese are peaceful, but they did not forget what the US did to them with the atomic bomb, and are quite conscient about the terrible injustice in which our brothers and sisters live in Palestine, Chechnya, Afghanistan and other countries where Muslims suffer, day after day.

Japanese people do a lot to help humanitarian initiatives and, as you might remember, a lot of them went to Iraq as volunteers (not with the army) to help reconstruct the country after the US attack. They also give a lot of money to participate in the humanitarian effort.

About their vision of Islam, I have to say that their way of life, full of respect and honesty, is really close to the Muslim way of life, but the Japanese society, as a whole, gives too much credit to sectarian movements and new religious groups.

I still believe that, if a strong effort is make on da'wa in Japan, there is a good chance that they accept Islam massively insha Allah. Translating books like Ali Tantawi's "Knowing Islam" could be a first step...

During my stay there, I also met a lot of Japanese who accepted Islam and became true believers wal hamdulillah.

wassalaam alaikum


Mohamed    - Algeria




I learnt that Islam reach Japan by the translation of the life of Muhammed PBUH to Japanese.I want to know are these books still available in stores. To be more precise i want to say are Muslims doing what should be done to display today these books!


As salaam alaikum Mohamed

As I told Abdo in my previous answer, I think the da'wa effort is not sufficient in Japan. Of course, there are some Turkish, Malaysian and Indian brothers who really do a great job there in transmitting the message of Islam, but it is a huge task for them, and they really do need help.

To answer your first question, there is a variety of reference books translated in Japanese that are available in the Islamic centers and Mosques in Japan.

Also, in the Tokyo Camii (the Turkish mosque), the friday Khutbah is said in Japanese, English and Turkish (with the Quran and Hadith in Arabic) al hamdulillah.

Japanese visitors are welcome and can visit the mosque and ask questions whenever they feel like.

wassalaam alaikum


Samah    - 




Salam Brother

Can you tell us about the Muslim community in Japn? how are their problems?



wa alaikum el salaam Samah,

One of the main reason that lead me to Japan was the growing islamophobia in France (where I lived at that time), especially toward my wife.

During our stay in Japan, we had absolutely no problem to practice our religion. Muslims are respected. Women wearing a headscarf are not disregarded or discriminated. Halal meat is not as frequent as in France or in an Arab country, but there are plenty of spots where you can get halal food, even in the business areas.

Mosques are beautiful and welcoming, and the relationship between brothers are strong, due to the fact that they are not so many. We have to keep in mind that Muslims are mainly concentrated in major cities like Tokyo, in which they are very few compared to the huge Japanese population.

There are more and more Japanese converts, and I can remember my first friday prayer at the Saudi mosque in central Tokyo: a Japanese brother was speaking with other brothers after the salat, and his knowledge of Islam and his Arabic were masha Allah.

wassalaam alaikum


Faiz    - Sri Lanka


A/cs Executive


Brother Marwan,
Assalamu Alaikum.

Can U please shed some light on the spread of Islam in Japan. Is there any barriers to practising Islam? What about the availability of Muslim Intellectuals and if any what about their joint effort to make the 'ISLAMIC SUN' rising in that land.


Wa alaikum el salaam Faiz,

As I said previously, there has been no massive initiative to spread Islam in Japan. The island situation of the country partly explain this fact, in addition to the proximity of China and Russia, who have traditionnaly played a role in limitating the geographic spread of Islam.

Also, the place of religion in the Japanese society is also far different from what we know in Western or other Asian/Middle Eastern countries.

To summarize the spread of Islam, I would say that it is strong but slow. It is progressively strenghten by the immigration of Muslim families in Japan and the marriage of Muslims with Japanese converts to build new families.

There are no barriers in practising Islam in Japan.

There are very few Muslim intellectual public figures in Japan. The islamic centers occasionaly have some guests coming from all around the world during Ramadan for example, or for the Eid.

The main islamic material is therefore found on the internet, where speeches of well known Muslim intellectuals like Amr Khaled, Tariq Ramadan or Zakir Naik can easily be found.

An translation work has also been started by the islamic centers in Japan to make the main books and reference material available in Japanese insha Allah, in a context where very few Japanese citizens speak another language.

wassalaam alaikum


Emdad    - United Kingdom




Please tell us a little bit about your experience in Japan

Japan is a country of great heritage & history.

I am much interested in finding out if the japanese worried about how rock & roll culture has taken over the lives of the youth or are they happy to embrace modernity?


salaam alaikum Emdad,

Thanks for you question. As you said, there is a dangerous American and Western influence on the Japanese youth. This youth does not remember what their parents have been through in the past decades to re build their lives after WWII and reconstruct the country.

Rock & Roll, rap music and the "californian way of life" have spread in the main cities' Japanese youth, with terrible consequence. Older generations of Japanese are really concerned about this situation, and try to limitate this western influence, but it is difficult for them to promote an alternative way of life when the whole world seems to accept the "American way of life" and the Hollywood subculture as a standard.

Al hamdulillah, some Japanese youth remain truthfull to their culture and try to save the Japanese way of life.

Some other also feel concerned about the injustice made in the name of Freedom everywhere in the world and engage themselves in humanitarian initiatives.

wassalaam alaikum


Nada    - Saudi Arabia




Salamu `alaikum. I'd like to thank the editor of the nice idea of the live dialogue.

I'd like to ask brother Marwan about Japan and the Islamic centers there, are they active in their work?

I have another question if you don't mind. Are there many Japanese who convert to Islam?


Marwan: Wa alaikum el salaam Nada,

There are some Islamic centers in Japan. Al hamdulillah, they do a lot of work: Islamic lessons, introduction courses, some conferences, activities during Ramadan, etc

But they are not enough to cover the huge population living in the main cities.

I hope some of us will insha Allah go to Japan and help these brothers and sisters who already do so much for the cause of Islam. May Allah bless them for this. Amine

wassalaam alaikum

Rasha Mohammad, IOL editor: Thanks Nada. Yes, it is so interesting session. Please keep following the coming sessions on IOL, as we will highlight how Muslims' travels are a means to get them closer to other cultures and how they, through their travels, find the Muslim communities in these far countries: their problems, challenges, and advantages.


Zeinab    - Egypt




What is the situation of Muslims in Japan and what do they need? And what are the meeting points between the Islamic rules and the Japanese culture?


As salaam alaikum sister Zeinab,

As I said earlier, the situation of Muslims in Japan is good al hamdulillah. They mainly need to be more numerous and to make more contacts with the rest of the Muslim community worldwide insha Allah.

The main meeting points between the Islamic rules and the Japanese culture I can think of right now are the respect of the human being, honesty, cleanliness, a certain distance between men and women, hospitality and a sense of extreme dedication to what they truly believe in (when they do believe in something).

wassalaam alaikum


Felicity    - 




If you ever become knowledgeable about the history of the Japanese blame for the Second World War, you would realise that it was they who started the war with America and Britain with a sneak attack on Pearl Harbour. The battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa proved that the Japanese warlords did not want to surrender even when their country was being blasted into oblivion. They even attempted a coup against Hirohito to prevent the radio broadcast of the surrender. The lives that were destroyed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved millions more who would have perished when the Allies invaded the home islands. Many Japanese are ignorant of the bestial conduct of their Army in Nanking and throughout Asia and the Pacific. Of course, the Palestinians headed by the Grand Mufti backed Germany (another unwise decision), so you would not have heard of this. Hopefully in the future, the Palestinians will eventually make wise decisions in their best interests by requesting peace instead of death.


Thank you Felicity for your statement (I did not see any question actually).

Being an aggressive country during wartime is a fact. Bombing civilians with a nuclear weapon is another fact.

I'll try to analyse your statement point by point, so that the IOL audience can get a clear picture of what the reality of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is, based on facts and not on the US/British freedom propaganda.

I am not questionning here the reason for which WWII started, and am not a supporter of the Japanese government in the 30's and 40's. Of course the Japanese army did not want to surrender, but the American wanted primarily to save the life of their soldiers and not those of innocents.

They still had the choice of wether to use or not the nuclear weapon against Japan, but the fact is that this decision was already made when the ask Japan to surrender. The conditions under which Japanese were supposed to surrender were simply unacceptable (absolute humiliation for the Emperor, for which Japanese have a kind of deep religious devotion) and the US knew it. It was a smart move to present the japanese army as responsible for the mass murder that was planned.

As you said, if you ever become knowledgeable of the Japanese history, like for example by visiting the city of Hiroshima like I did, you will see that the whole US plot was to test their new nuclear toy. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were no threat to the US army, as they were civilian cities, but they were on the top of the list of 16 "selected towns" that met the scientific requirements for the bombing experience in a live situation.

Why Hiroshima first?

Just because Hiroshima starts with a H and Nagasaki with a N.

So, of course, we can still say, as usual, that the US killed hundred of thousands to save millions, but these reality only exist in you average hollywood movies. The truth is that is was a mass murder, specially designed and organised to test the nuclear weapon in "live conditions" and to justify the spending of bilions in its construction.

Now, you also mentionned Palestinians: I think the word you were looking for was RESISTANCE. Because that's what it is all about. If you truly believe in peace, go see for yourself what the US and UK citizens pay for : extermination of a Nation: history, people, soil.

Thanks again for asking...


Rehmat    - 




What was the most humorous event that you witnessed in your travels?


Salaam alaikum Rehmat,

I think the funniest moment in my Japanese experience was when I first arrived. I was doing a lot of things that seemed "normal" to me, but were very rude in the Japanese context, like asking one's age, or sneezing in public.

There are plenty of funny stories also when you go on the country side, because almost nobody speaks english there, and you try to make yourself understood, with very little success.

You really need to experience this for yourself. You will realize how welcoming the Japanese people really is.

wassalaam alaikum



Col. Mohammad Fiqh    - Pakistan


Military K.P.


I visited Kyoto many years ago and was impressed by the architecture of the central mosque. Please describe it to everyone so that we may be reminded of it.


as salaam alaikum brother,

Unfortunately, I did not visit the Kyoto mosque when I was there, but I took some pictures of the Tokyo mosque, which you can see in the gallery prepared by the IOL team for this live session.

You can also see the Kobe mosque by using this adress:

wassalaam alaikum


hasnaa    - Egypt




I see that you like Japan and japaneese people very much. Do you plan to go back there?if yes, are you planning to start daa'wa there?


As salaam alaikum Hasnaa,

I have to admit I miss Japan very much, and I would like to go back there insha Allah, but when I came back to Paris, my wife and I realised that our parents needed us here in Europe.

Now we have a son and my wife is pregnant with a little girl al hamdulillah, so I don't want my children to grow up so far away from their grand parents like I did.

I also keep in mind that our parents have come to Europe because they were in a very poor situation in their country. It is not the case for me, so I think it is not legitimate to leave my family just for my personal satisfaction.

wassalaam alaikum


Yusuff    - Nigeria


College Teacher


Salaam Alaikum,
I read that there are Islamic teaching schools established in Japan by Saudi Arabia & some other Arabian Islamic establishments, how far is the Arabic language spread in the country? And how are they using it as a language of interaction, especially in business - this as a hope of abridging the gap in the language barrier and understanding Islam. Thanks


As salaam alaikum Yusuff,

The Saudi Arabian islamic institute in central Tokyo delivers Islamic teachings, as well as other Islamic centers, but like I said they are not sufficient to cover the Japanese population. The Arabic language is not widely spread outside the Muslim community, and cannot be considered there as an efficient language for interaction. A lot of brothers and sisters have learned japanese and now use it to spread Islam in their everyday life al hamdulillah.

Many thanks again for your question brother Yusuf.

wassalaam alaikum


Sa'idu Abdulmalik    - Nigeria




What is the percentage of muslims in Japan? We never thought there are muslmis in Japan.


As salaam alaikum dear brother,

I don't have the statistics for the whole country, but the Muslims in Tokyo represent 0.2% of the population (wich is 12 million).

Like you said, it is hard to imagine that there are Muslims in Japan :-).

Some of my closest brothers in Japan were coming from Nigeria and they were really masha Allah.

wassalaam alaikum


Audu    - Nigeria




Salaam Alaikum Mr. Marwan !
Excuse me ! I don't know how deep you might have gone about knowing Japanese feelings toward American Hiroshima Bombing and other casualties of those days, but what do you perceive in people's (Japanese) feelings about American Nuclear Non-Proliferation Propaganda after It had wrecked nuclear havoc on Japan and some other places like this around the world?


Wa alaikum el salaam Audu,

The generation of Japanese who have known Hiroshima and Nagasaki will never forget it. Never. They see, in the use of the nuclear weapon, and in its apology as a dissuasive weapon, the lowest status Mankind can reach.

As I said earlier, there is a cultural gap that appears in the Japanese youth, part of which has massively accepted the American culture and set of value, but a lot of Japanese are also aware of the US strategy in their foreign policy and are not fooled by the "we will bring freedom whatever it takes" propaganda.

As a reminder, I would like to mention a gesture of the successive mayors of Hiroshima wich, I believe, is full of human dignity:

Every time a nuclear test is performed (anywhere on earth), the mayor of Hiroshima sends a letter to the leader of the country who has performed the test, to make him aware of the consequences of using such weapon, and to remind him of what it took his co-citizens to survive this tragedy. These letters have all been kept since 1945 until today, and are visible in the A-bomb museum in Hiroshima.

wassalaam alaikum


Closing Message    - 



Question Marwan:

Thank you all, brothers and sisters for your participation in this live dialogue. I hope you will have insha Allah the occasion to visit Japan and take your part in the spread of the beautiful message of Islam in this country. Wassalaam alaikum.


The session has ended. I would like to thank Brother Marwan Mohammad for taking the time to answer the questions of IslamOnline viewers, and all those who participated in this live dialogue.

Follow our coming session "From Egypt to Denmark".

For comments and suggestions, Feel free to send us at:


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