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Iran envoy in India summoned

Iran envoy in India summoned




Indian police fire teargas shells toward Kashmiri Muslim protesters during a demo in Srinagar.

India has summoned an Iranian envoy in response to comments on Indian-administered Kashmir made by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

 New Delhi summoned the Iranian charge d'affaires on Friday and conveyed its "deep disappointment" over comments on Kashmir by Iran's Leader several days ago.

"We have conveyed to the Iranian authorities our deep disappointment and regret," an Indian government source said.

On Monday, Ayatollah Khamenei called for international support for the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Kashmir, and called for unity and solidarity in the Muslim world. He also called for global peace and security.


 “Today, helping the Palestinian nation and the besieged people of Gaza, sympathizing with and aiding the people of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and Kashmir, resisting the encroachments of the US and the Zionist regime, safeguarding unity among Muslims, fighting the foul hands and mercenary tongues which seek to undermine Muslim unity, and promoting awakening as well as a sense of commitment and responsibility among Muslim youth, are the great responsibilities on the shoulders of the elite in the Muslim ummah,” a part of the Leader's Hajj message reads.


Earlier on Saturday, the chairman of Kashmir's All Parties Hurriyat Conference criticized the Indian government for restricting Muslim activities in the disputed Himalayan valley.

Mirwaiz Umar Farooq also thanked the people and government of Iran for supporting Kashmiris' right to self-determination.

"I plan to raise political, human rights and issue of religious interference by the state with them… will also meet Iranian ambassador to thank the country and apprise them of the Kashmir situation," he said.

There were numerous demonstrations and clashes between protesters opposed to Indian rule and government forces between June and September 2010 in the Muslim majority Kashmir region.

Government forces indiscriminately shot and killed innocent and unarmed civilians.

Officials say more than 47,000 people have been killed since a revolt against Indian rule began in 1989. Human rights groups put the toll at about 60,000 and others say 90,000 have died.

The Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan continues to be one of the most intractable and long-standing conflicts in the world, even after more than five decades.

