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Georgia Muslim Population Article


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1. Countries of Europe

FACTS ABOUT EUROPE (Including the former USSR or CIS)

Area: Europe, apart from the CIS (former USSR) is 4,874,040 square kilometers; the former USSR is 22,402,200 sq. km.

Population: Europe = 501,000,000; CIS = 288,000,000

Number of Countries: 35

Number of Principalities, Republics or Territories: 15

Highest Mountain: Communism Peak in the Pamir Mountains = 7495 meters

2.  Georgia Asked To Allow Return of Ahiska Muslims
[By Sa’ad Abdul Majid, IslamOnline(IOL)Correspondent]

Turkish and Azeri parliamentarians also appealed for an international intervention to pressure the Georgian government into allowing the return of Ahiska Muslims after more than 60 years of forced migration.

"Ahiska Turks have suffered a lot, and they have the right return and help develop Georgia," Azeri Deputy Prime Minister Ali Hassanov told a conference hosted by the Azeri capital Baku on July 13-14.

Other participants urged the United Nations to get involved in efforts to resolve the long-standing crisis of the Ahiska Muslims.


3.Georgian Turks 
[International Islamic News Agency (IINA)]

Tiblisi, Rabi Thani 3/Jun 14 (IINA) – Georgia was once owned by the Turkic people known as the Meshket Turks, who originally came from Central Asia and then spread out across the Caucasus, according to historical and archeological records. Under the rule of the Meshket Seljuk Muslims, the region prospered both economically and politically, and was an independent entity between the Christian Georgian-ruled areas and the Turkish Empire.

In 1555, the Meshket region came under the hegemony of the Ottoman Empire, and remained so for three centuries. But in 1829 there was a treaty whereby the Russians who had defeated the Turks in a war imposed their own hegemony on at least part of the Meshket region. However, the life of the Meshket Muslims was not the happiest one under the Russians, and by the early 19th century this region, like other regions in the Caucasian, witnessed deportation, and this process was being actively assisted by the Armenians, and because of Turkey’s continued weakness, the region became a Russian vassal. And when the Bolshevik Revolution took place in 1917, the whole area was under Russian subjugation.

