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Islam in Macau

Islam in Macau




When I moved to Macau with my family in 2006 - after living six years in Hong Kong - finding halal food became a major issue for us. I knew very few people in Macau then and, of those whom I knew, none was Muslim.  Because of the large size of Muslim population in Hong Kong this was never a major issue there. I could just call a friend or search the website of Muslim organisations in Hong Kong to find such information. So, in September 2006, we became frequent Hong Kong visitors, mostly to get halal food items. It was expensive and time consuming.

Ramadan in 2006 started on 23 September and the frequency of our Hong Kong visit increased substantially. Because of my previous visits to Macau, I knew where the Mosque was. But there was no information readily available about the time for the Eid jamaat. Fortunately, one day, I met a gentleman of South Asian look in my children's school, Sheng Kung Hui, now called Macau Anglican College, in Taipa. That gentleman, a Macau citizen and now a very good friend of mine, Mr. Adnan Nasim, became the only source of information related to Islamic activities in Macau.

Over the last three years, I befriended many other Muslims in Macau and now we can solve simple tasks like finding halal cereal, for example, very easily. But, I still meet many Muslim visitors from all over the world in Macau who face the same problems that I faced three years ago. So, I decided to develop this website to help such Muslim brothers and sisters find information that might matter to them and chose another Ramadan, this time in August 2009, to launch the website.

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