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Islam In Zimbabwe

Islam In Zimbabwe




By Ali Risimati Mathonsi

During the consultative conference of the Southern African Development Community

(SADC) some years ago, it was indicated by the officials that Islam was a threat in southern Africa. This was followed by Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe's slam on Islam.

According to Umar Phiri of Iqra Ilm Center (Harare), Muslims have not only been living in harmony with citizens of other religions, but Islam urges Muslims to care for neighbors.

In Zimbabwe, Muslims are not allowed to use the government media. They are barred from paying for an advertisement in the print media. In Waterfalls, Harare, the local Jama'at is building a new mosque. The old mosque will be used as a school for children.

Institutions such as the Southern Africa Islamic Youth Conference, the Zimbabwe Islamic Mission, Africa Muslim Agency, Iqra Jamiat Ulama and the Bulawayo Islamic Society are making strong efforts in propagating Islam.
Masvingo, the oldest town in the country, is midway between South Africa and Harare. Here, a new school is about to be completed.

"We will also accommodate the travelling Jama'ats who cross over to Zimbabwe," said Moulana Imraan Khaukuti.

Iqra's Light Brightens Zimbabwe

The efforts of the Majlisul-Ulema in Zimbabwe have been successful in towns and remote areas. The Ulama has established the Iqra Ilm Center in Harare. The center is a hive of Islamic activities, including a school and a center for orphans.

"School teachers are trained to facilitate Islamic Studies and other Islamic education," said Sheikh Umar Phiri.
An annual Qur'anic competition is organized by the ulama. They publish a quarterly journal Risaalat-ul-Amin. For more information please contact the following address:


The Editor
P.O. Box W93
Harare, Zimbabwe

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