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Islamic Council condemns Muslim school

Islamic Council condemns Muslim school




By Times Reporter
THE Islamic Council of Zambia (ICZ) has dissociated itself from any unorthodox practices at a Muslim school in Lusaka that faces closure.

The council also urged the Government to revoke the licence of the operator running the centre where 280 boys were being kept in prison-like conditions.

ICZ president Rashid Phiri said it was unfortunate that there were people in society purporting to be Muslims and bringing the religion into disrepute by bad behaviour.

Mr Phiri said the Islamic schools had fared well in providing services to the community and said it was sad to note that others were abusing children instead of providing the intended services.

“The Muslims’ reputation cannot be tarnished because of one person with a bad attitude, all in the name of orphanages,” he said.

He also urged the Government to carry out thorough investigations, adding that the investigations should be extended to other non-governmental organisations looking after orphans.

“Government should find time and take a random check to find out who is doing a good job and who just wants to gain by using the name of orphanages,” he said.

And Chawama Muslim Community member Adam Judas Phiri said the Chaisa case should serve as a lesson to all those involving themselves in dubious businesses and also venturing into other businesses other than the ones they obtained permits for.

Mr Phiri also cautioned parents and guardians not to be surrender their children to anyone who promised them free education, whether or not they could afford to pay for their children.

And the Director of Zambia Islamic Propagation Centre (IPC) Sheikh Shaban Phiri has appealed to authorities to deregister and close the centre.

Mr Phiri said there was no such thing as orphanage in Quran, though the muslims supported orphans and poor people.

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