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1. 14 charged with arson in Kitwe 
[By Times Reporter  (]

Police Inspector General and spokesperson Brenda Muntemba said yesterday that 48 people, among them a woman, would appear in court soon. Ms Muntemba said police arrested the rioters on Saturday and Sunday after paramilitary police moved into the area.She said police had not yet charged the 34 as more people were still reporting the damages caused to their properties.“The 34 have not been charged yet because people are still bringing in reports of damages to their properties,” she said. On Saturday, some people set ablaze four vehicles and parts of a mosque in Bulangililo township, before smashing windows to several houses and vehicles belonging to residents of West African origin following Zambia’s 0-1 loss to Senegal in a soccer match.


2. Afraid of Islam  
[By Gilles Mathorel, Wednesday, February 07, 2007]

Police Inspector General and spokesperson Brenda Muntemba said yesterday that 48 people, among them a woman, would appear in court soon.

Ms Muntemba said police arrested the rioters on Saturday and Sunday after paramilitary police moved into the area.

She said police had not yet charged the 34 as more people were still reporting the damages caused to their properties.

“The 34 have not been charged yet because people are still bringing in reports of damages to their properties,” she said.

On Saturday, some people set ablaze four vehicles and parts of a mosque in Bulangililo township, before smashing windows to several houses and vehicles belonging to residents of West African origin following Zambia’s 0-1 loss to Senegal in a soccer match.


3.  Church leaders speak against weak laws in Zambia  [By Chileshe Chanda]
Lusaka (AND) Seven major faith-based groups in Zambia say they will not rest until the laws that guarantee the security of children are strengthened.

In a letter to all children in Zambia, the seven member body operating under the Zambia Interfaith Network Group on HIV/AIDS (ZINGO) said they were concerned about the increasing number of sexual abuse cases of children and the general deteriorating living conditions due to the effects of HIV/AIDS.


4. Islam in Zambia  
The arrival of Islam in Zambia dates to the fourth Hijri century when Muslims established emirates on the coast of East Africa. During that period Muslim slave merchants extended their business to the interior regions reaching Zambia in the period of the Omani dynasty Al Bu Said. Arab slave traders entered Zambia from their trading bases on the coast of Tanzania, Malawi and Mozambique. Over a period of hundreds of years more than four million slaves were stolen from Zambia and surrounding countries and exported from Swahili ports by Arab traders to India and Arabia. In more recent times, some Muslims from Somalia and Kenya settled in Zambia.


5.  Islam making in-roads in Zambia  
[Published  in]
EVER heard of loans with no interest? Yes and no, but not so common in Zambia’s commercial banking circles but this is what Islamic banking is just about to introduce.

Islamic banking, a new concept that is most likely to be introduced in Zambia, has fascinated most players in the financial sector.

Islamic banking is based on the principles of Islamic law (also known as shariah) and is guided by Islamic economics.

It is designed to meet specific religious requirements of Muslim and there is no interest charged. This concept is already a significant factor around the world and is now making substantial in-roads into Africa.


6.  Islamic Banking comes to Zambia  

THE Islamic Centre in Zambia has hailed Government for its continued promotion of the country’s cultural and traditional heritage. Islamic Centre in Zambia director in charge of cultural and social services, Assadi Mohammed, said in Lusaka on Saturday that Zambia’s culture had remained unique over many decades.

He said it was events such as traditional ceremonies and cultural exhibitions that Zambia’s individuality could be appreciated.

He was speaking in an interview after the opening of a book exhibition for the Razavi Public Library of Iran at the University of Zambia (UNZA).

Mr Mohammed said Iran placed great importance on education.


7. Islamic Centre hails Zambia  []
THE Islamic Centre in Zambia has hailed Government for its continued promotion of the country’s cultural and traditional heritage. Islamic Centre in Zambia director in charge of cultural and social services, Assadi Mohammed, said in Lusaka on Saturday that Zambia’s culture had remained unique over many decades.

He said it was events such as traditional ceremonies and cultural exhibitions that Zambia’s individuality could be appreciated. He was speaking in an interview after the opening of a book exhibition for the Razavi Public Library of Iran at the University of Zambia (UNZA). Mr Mohammed said Iran placed great importance on education.


8. Islamic Council condemns Muslim school
 [By Times Reporter  ( ]


9. Moslems extend olive branch  
[By Times Reporter  (]

THE Islamic Council of Zambia (ICZ) has extended an olive branch to those who damaged its Mosque in Kitwe’s Bulangililo township following the riots that erupted in the area after Zambia lost 0-1 to Senegal in a joint World and Africa Cup qualifier match a week ago.

The Council has also said it would not demand any compensation for the damage it suffered as a result of the riot in the area.

ICZ president Rashid Phiri was speaking at the weekend during a reconciliatory meeting between the Moslem community and other residents at Bulangililo’s Lulamba basic school.


10.ZAMBIA: Buying Souls for Islam  
[By Terry Murphy, ACN NEWS 15/3/06]

In an interview with the charity which supports the suffering Church, the priest said that in the space of a decade the Christian population in parts of northern Zambia had plummeted from 70 percent to as low as 50 percent.

Meantime, latest reports show that the total Muslim population in Zambia is at least 20 percent


11. Zambia: Islam
 [By Lisa Ghezzi]

La costituzione zambiana sancisce la libertà di culto. Tuttavia, nel 1991 l’ex presidente zambiano Frederick Chiluba ha dichiarato lo Zambia una nazione cristiana, dichiarazione  poi accolta nella costituzione con un emendamento del 1996.


12. Zambia: Islam in Africa Newsletter-No4 Vol2-Dec07
[By Lisa Ghezzi]

The Project for the Research of Islamist Movements is part of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center. Site: Email: All material copyright Reuven Paz unless otherwise stated. Credit if quoting; ask permission to reprint. GLORIA is part of  the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, ISRAEL   


13.Zambia: Islamic Banking  
On behalf of the Bank of Zambia and indeed on my own behalf, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you all to this important conference on Islamic Banking. To our Guest Speaker, Mr Ahmed Zaini Othman, I wish to extend a special welcome to you to Zambia and in particular to Lusaka, the capital city. Like the rest of Zambia, Lusaka is a city of tranquility with an easygoing African charm. The city is not short of interesting sites and places to visit. I therefore urge you to find time or indeed stay an extra day or more to sample this special menu that Lusaka offers.