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Snippet on Dhinnurain Society

Snippet on Dhinnurain Society




IINA – 08

Dar-es-Salaam, Rabi Awwal 24/Jun 5,2002 (IINA) – Among the many activities of Tanzania’s Dhinnurain Charity Society is to take care of orphans, dig wells to provide water for the people, to build mosques and schools, apart from other activities relating to the propagation of the Message of Islam. For instance, last year the society built the Abu Bakr Al-Saddiq Islamic Center in Iringa, a project that was financed mainly by philanthropists in Saudi Arabia, and it has now become one of the prominent Islamic landmarks in the area.

The center contains not only a large mosque, but also classrooms for boys and girls, as well as separate areas for washing the dead, one for women and the other for men. The Society also slaughtered 500 head of sacrificial goats during the last Haj occasion, and the carcasses were distributed to various mosques and centers, including hospitals, prisons, homes for the aged, and to orphanages. The Society, which was registered in 1991 with the Tanzanian Government, plans to build more mosques and orphanages in the near future.

There are 33,000,000 Muslims in Tanzania, representing 65 percent of the total population, and both Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are helping in such things as setting up, financing, running Holy Qur’an learning circles, which at the moment number 750.

Sheikh Said Abry has appealed to Islamic organizations to double their efforts in helping the growth of Islam in Tanzania, because at the moment, as he put it, Christian missionary activity has been intensified, while the Islamic organizations are notable in their absence