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Islam in Mauritius

Islam in Mauritius




The 1968 constitution of Mauritius recognized four religious categories: Hindus, Muslims, Sino-Mauritians, and the general population. According to a 1989 estimate of a total population of 1,080,000, Muslims constituted about 16 percent (179,280).[citations needed]

Recent statistics are not available because questions on religious affiliations have been removed from the population census.

The Muslim population is approximately 95 percent Sunni and many are Urdu-speaking. Other languages include Bhojpuri, Gujarati, and Tamil. Sunnis adhere mostly to the Hanafi school of thought, reflecting their roots in the Indian subcontinent.

The biggest and second oldest place of worship is the Jummah Mosque in Port Louis, but there are many smaller mosques in the towns and villages. The highest concentration of Muslims is found in the capital Port Louis, predominantly in the Plaine Verte, Ward IV , Valle Pitot and Camp Yoloff neighborhood.

Among the Shi'a minority, some have their origins in different parts of India, others are adherents of the Agha Khan from East Africa.

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