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Malawi Muslim Population Article




1.  Malawi: Christian-Muslim relation
by Kelly Dehnert]
Currently, Malawi’s population is approximately 20% Muslim, though the estimates range from 15% (1999 Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia) to 40% according to others.3 On the other hand, nearly 70% of the population is professing Christian.4 It appears that the primary conflict between the two religions came with Livingstone as Christianity was not present prior to his arrival.


2.  Demographics of Malawi
by Wikipedia By WIKIPEDIA]
This article is about the demographic features of the population of Malawi, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.

Malawi derives its name from the Maravi, a Bantu people who came from the southern Congo about 600 years ago. On reaching the area north of Lake Malawi, the Maravi divided. One branch, the ancestors of the present-day Chewas, moved south to the west bank of the lake. The other, the ancestors of the Nyanjas, moved down the east bank to the southern part of the country.


3.  Malawi Muslim
No official figures are available for the numbers of followers of the various religions in Malawi. Catholics claim that they are the largest group, comprising an estimated 35 percent of the country's 10 million people. However, the Muslim Association of Malawi (MAM) claims that the Muslims are the majority, with a community of 4.8 million. This figure - supported by some independent agencies - is disputed by opposition politicians. What is not disputed is that until a few years ago, Malawi was a Muslim country.

This betrays an alarming demographic trend in Africa, once an overwhelmingly Muslim continent. A policy of aggressive Christian proselytising, aimed not only at converting African Muslims to Christianity but also at "diluting the Muslim identity" of those who do not actually convert, has lead to a major shift in the numbers of people who identify themselves as Muslims.

"It's unfortunate that AIDS patients, widows and orphans are stigmatized and discriminated against to the extent of being denied food," Gani told IOL.

4.  Ramadan Comforts Malawi AIDS Victims
By Mallick Mnela, IslamOnline (IOL)  Correspondent]

BLANTYRE — Muslim organizations in Malawi are joining hands in attending for the needs of AIDS victims in the Southern African country, especially during Ramadan, while scholars are sensitizing the public on the dangers of stigmatizing or discriminating against the infected and affected persons.

"It's unfortunate that AIDS patients, widows and orphans are stigmatized and discriminated against to the extent of being denied food," Altaf Gani, Chairperson of the World Association of Friends of Africa (WAFA) told in Blantyre.

"This is unjust, and Islam has taught us to refrain from being unjust. It's in the Qur'an that we shouldn't judge, for this is a duty of Allah alone."