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DRC : Snippet on Islam and Muslim

DRC : Snippet on Islam and Muslim



IINA - 01

Kinshasa, Sha’aban 3, 1422/Oct 19, 2001 (IINA) - Muslims in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) make up 15 million of the country’s 60 million population, but they are largely illiterate and unemployed, according to Haj Modelo Maliba, chairman of the National Islamic Council. He said the reason for that is that most of them did not go to school, since there were Islamic schools at the time of the Belgian colonial rule over the country. The only schools that existed then were Christian one.

Maliba said that the result is that now over 90 percent of government jobs are in the hands of Christians, the majority of whom still remain illiterate.

He appealed to Islamic organizations and countries to do everything possible to help their Muslim brethren in the DRC, particularly in the field of providing scholarships for students and training courses within or outside the country.

Maliba went on to say that the Muslims of the DRC do not own any of the infrastructure facilities, such as hospitals, health centers, universities, schools, and the few they have are not up to par. He said even the mosques are not worthwhile talking about, because most of them are simply huts.

The Muslim leader said that another thing which the Muslims in the DRC are in need of are preachers, teachers and people who could provide guidance to them, in matters related to their faith and its proper practice.

He said there should also be a broadcasting and television station to beam guidance program to the Muslims of his country, and also news about their brethren in other parts of the world.