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First Vice-President of the Republic Booed By Muslims

First Vice-President of the Republic Booed By Muslims




Muslims who congregated on Friday to say a prayer celebrating the end of their month of fasting booed the first Vice-President of the Republic of Burundi, Dr. Martin Nduwimana.

This incident took place on a football pitch located in Nyakabiga quarter. Ceremonies were led by the chairman of the Burundian Islamic Community (COMIBU), Cheik Salum Issa. Some Muslims began shouting at Dr. Martin Nduwimana â-šYou kafir get out of here so that we can pray", as he was delivering a long speech which he, fearing that he might be charged, was obliged to finish quickly. These Muslims were not pleased to see this representative of the government while the former leader of the ruling party, Al Hajji Hussein Radjabu, is imprisoned.

Al Hajji Hussein Radjabu was instrumental in making this day be accepted as a national holiday in Burundi. Mr. Radjabu was dismissed from the lead of the ruling party, CNDD-FDD some months ago and has been replaced by Jérémie Ngendakumana. In many Muslim circles this dismissal was considered to be a move orchestrated by President Pierre Nkurunziza and his closest associates in an attempt to hijack the ruling party.

Hussein Radjabu was seen by some analysts as a scapegoat done away with to purge the sins of the ruling party after a year that was characterized by a chaotic management of the country's assets and a total disrespect for human rights which culminated with extra-judicial killings in Muyinga which the government has not yet fully explained.

Hajji Hussein Radjabu has been in custody for almost five months under allegations of an attempt to undermine national security after a local radio station aired a vox pop in which he was heard training a rebel group to combat the government. This imprisonment was also seen as an attempt to sideline Muslims who fought along with the Prince Louis Rwagasore to win independence, only to be forgotten by governments that followed.

This incident is a clear signal to the head of state and the ruling party that they are losing support from the Islamic community. In 2005, CNDD-FDD won overwhelmingly in quarters of the capital city of Bujumbura dominated by Muslims who sought to regain the privileges they failed to secure after the fight for independence.

Source : Vice-President of the Republic Booed By Muslims