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Angola: Report on Muslimst

Angola: Report on Muslimst



IINA - 01

Luanda, Rabi Awwal 7/May 30,2001(IINA) - A report by the Pan-African News Agency (PANA) has disclosed that 2.5 percent of Angola’s population are Muslims, and they account for 2.75 of the country’s 11 total population. Just ten years ago, the Muslim population was not more than a quarter of a million.

The report ascribes this increase in the number of Angolans embracing Islam to the increased number of Muslim traders and merchants from West Africa who have chosen to settle in Angola.

A number of Angolan cities and town have of recent witnessed an increase in Islamic activity, particularly in the construction of mosques, Islamic centers, and Qur’anic schools, with the objective of spreading Islamic culture and the Islamic Message.

Muslims affairs in Angola are taken care of by the Supreme Council of Angolan Muslims.

Angola is situated in southern Africa and overlooks the Atlantic Ocean, and is rich in natural resources, including agriculture and oil production.

Angola was colonized by Portugal since the 16th century of the Gregorian calendar, and its indigenous people were subjected to all kinds of discrimination, and were denied even basic human rights. But, after a long and bitter struggle Angolans were able to snatch their independence from the Portuguese, in the mid-seventies of the last century.