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Muslims in Vanuatu

Muslims in Vanuatu




Muslims in Vanuatu ( Interview With M. Kaloas)

Publication time: 14 December 2006, 17:47

The history of Islam in this country is not as recent as people might think. Mustapha Kaloas who is the Secretary General of the Vanuatu Islam Society tells Shirley Joy the Muslim community here is part and parcel of the Vanuatu society.  

Islam has been here since 1978, with the founder, late Henry Nabanga of Mele village being the first converted Muslim in Vanuatu. By 1987, a number of other people outside Mele have embraced the faith and their first mosque was established in 1992 in Mele. Since then the number of Muslims in Mele has increased.

Tell us about the origins of the Islam in Vanuatu?  

Islam came to Mele in 1978 through the late Hussein Nabanga. The late Nabanga went to India in 1973 to undertake a scriptural translation course when he decided to examine the religion of Islam.

While still busy with his translation course, his concentration went beyond the scope of his studies, which led him to closer look at the teachings of Islam. As a result, he came back to Vanuatu and decided to become a Muslim. From 1978, Islam started its growth within the Mele village and later on it spread to other islands across the country.

What was the reaction of the chief and the community of Mele?  

When Islam was introduced for the first time in Mele, the chief of Mele and his people respected the decision of the Muslims to choose a faith they liked. This in turn earned them the respect of the Muslims and all are now living peacefully together as a community.  

Islam became generally acceptable to Mele due to the good humour and moral character of Hussein and other local who supported him during the early days of Islam in Mele. One of the important things that convinced Mele to accept Islam was because they have come to realise that Islam is a complete way of life in this world and in the hereafter.


We hear the Muslim community is growing and increasing every year. How many members are there in all?  

Every year, more and more people within Mele and other parts of the country enter into the fold of Islam. Because their decision is personal, I do not have the exact number of Muslims in Mele. But what I can say is that there are many women and men including members of their families.


What kind of religion is Islam?  

Muslims worship only one God (Allah) by following the teachings of their religion which is called Islam. Islam is the Arabic name for submission to One Only God. Muslims are worshiping the same God as was worshiped by other previous prophets such as Adam, Noah, Solomon, David, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad who the Muslims consider to be the last of all prophets.


What are the doctrines of the Islamic faith?  

MK: Islam has many important doctrines. However five stand out. First, is to testify that there is no god except one God (Allah) and Muhammad is the Messenger of God. Second, is to pray five times a day.  

Third, is to fast for a month once a year. In the Islamic term, this is called Ramadan. Fourth, is to perform the act of charity by helping the poor in whatever way possible. Fifth, is to perform the pilgrimage to the house (Kabba). Here, the house (Kabba) referred to the first house of worship build by Abraham and Ishmael.


What is the difference between a Muslim and a Christian?  

Religion is a matter of personal choice. I would not want to make any comparison here with other faiths but I can tell you what Islam is all about. As Muslims, we have deep respect for all religions. The Islamic belief is that religion is one beginning with Adam.  

All prophets through time have asked their people to submit to one God only. This is why Islam means submission to one God (Allah). One important aspect about Islam is that Muslims do not give any partner to God Almighty. Only Allah alone is to be worshipped, nothing and nobody else should is to be worshipped in whatever way.


We understand the Muslims use the Arabic language to communicate with Allah, their God. How did you learn Arabic?  

Muslims have to pray five times a day. The length of each prayer takes about ten minutes. While performing these five daily prayers, Muslims have to recite in Arabic language any chapters of the Holy Koran. However, before reciting these chapters, Muslims have to learn how to read and memorise the chapters of the Koran in the Arabic language.  

The original Koran was written in the Arabic language and the Muslims found it very easy to do because of flexibility of the Arabic language. You will understand what I mean if you listen to a chapter of the Koran being recited by any one of us in Arabic.  

I have not known any divine book of 6236 verses (114 chapters), which has been completely memorized by any human on earth except the Koran.


Do your children go to normal schools or do they have to attend some special schools to learn Arabic teaching as required by the Islamic law?  

Our children who are here in Vanuatu go to normal schools and receive education together with all other children. Those of our children that have the opportunity to be educated in Fiji go to schools where they learn normal subjects in addition to studies in the Koran and good ethical behaviour.  

Others have gone to universities overseas doing degrees in engineering, medicine, computer and management. As you know education is the key to the development of any community and we are keen to see that our children are educated so that they can contribute to the prosperity of this country.


Why do Muslims, particularly women, wear special outfits at all times?  

Muslims have to dress up decently in their daily life. It means that they have to cover their bodies from unnecessary exposure to the public. The covering of the body prevents the public from lustful glances and other indecent thinking.  

These rules form an important part of the teachings of Koran and are to be followed by both the males and the females. This also helps Muslim women prevent their dignity and guard them against indecent thinking from the members of the public and other harmful acts from others such as rape, sexual harassment, indecent assault to mention but a few.


How is being a Muslim affect your custom and culture?  

As a Muslim, I do not have any problem between my custom and culture and Islam. Many are similar to the way of life in Islam. Some examples I can give are the following: respect, honesty, loyalty, responsibility, impartiality, justice, ways of eating and living within community. These are some of the rules that are common to both customs and Islam.


Tell us about the Islam's future vision for Vanuatu?  

Islam has been in Vanuatu since 1978 when it started in Mele. We feel that it is our responsibility to continue to support our country in its development and progress in whatever ways we can. Properly educating our youths to be good members of society is one of our duties.  

Contributing to community welfare and good relations with all people based on respect and tolerance is an important vision. In a true way, we ask people to always have an open mind when Islam is discussed so that they are not wrongly misled by the media.  

The beauty of Islam can only be seen through reading or listening with a good heart. I am happy that through this interview your paper has taken a positive attitude towards finding out about our beautiful and practical religion.  

Note: According to International Religious Freedom Report 2004 that there are some Muslims living in the country. The Australian Broadcasting Cooperation states that there are about 200 converts to Islam in Vanuatu.  

Source: "Vanuatu Daily Post" newspaper

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