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Islam in the Solomon Island

Islam in the Solomon Island




The United States Department of State's International Religious Freedom Report states that according to the most recent reports, there are approximately 350 Muslims in the Solomon Islands. estimates that there are about 70 muslims in the country, receiving this number from a 1996 estimate. When the deadly Solomons tsunami crashed through Gizo and Western Province killing 53 people and displacing thousands of villagers, the international Muslim Aid organization quickly dispatched medical teams and supplies for the affected areas and islanders embraced this aid as much as any other. Radio SIBC reported in July 2005 claims made by the countries’ Finance Minister Peter Boyers, that Islamic militants from Indonesia had tried recruiting young Solomon Islanders for training camps in Indonesia. The Minister said that Solomon Islands Muslim groups were against radical Islam and refused the request, something supported by Felix Narasia of the Islamic Society of Solomon Islands. Narasia said the Islamic Society denounces any recruitment of Solomon Island youth for such purposes, saying such contacts were “illegal” and outside the Islamic Society of Solomon Islands.

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