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Dutch Muslims Establish Pilgrimage

Dutch Muslims Establish Pilgrimage




By Khaled Shawkat
IOL Holland correspondent

ROTTERDAM, Holland,  – Dutch Muslim activists have established an Islamic Corporation with the aim of organizing Hajj (pilgrimage) trips to Mecca, helping pilgrims financially, morally, as well as in terms of explaining Hajj rules. It also aims at facilitating Hajj performance at low costs, especially for students and low income Muslims.


Secretary General of “Ennour” (Light) Corporation for Hajj and Umrah (Minor Hajj) in Rotterdam City, Mohammed Bakr, told IslamOnline that the main motive behind establishing an Hajj Corp. in Holland “was the lack of official or even non-governmental organizations to handle Hajj trips.” 

“Unlike the case in Muslim countries, Muslims in the West, willing to perform Hajj, fall victim to some businessmen and brokers who charge them too much fees, along with other hardships our Muslim brothers face as far as accommodation in the Holy Places are concerned,” said Bakr.

“Our Corporation organizes Hajj trips at a very low rate, compared with rates offered by other traveling agencies. Our offer includes tickets, accommodation and local transportation in the Holy Places. We take only symbolic fees to cover administrative matters like visas and paperwork,” he added.

Bakr, who is also a Muslim activist and a consultant with a social organization affiliated with Rotterdam Municipality, said that “Ennour” was established mainly to help students wanting to perform Hajj, but unable to afford its costs.

Last year, some Muslim activists thought about forming a non-profit Hajj organization to help Muslim students perform the fifth pillar of Islam. That started with a trip last year comprising a batch of Muslim high school students. This year, the idea was expanded to include all categories of the Dutch Muslim minority.

According to Bakr, the Corporation’s role expands to include sending scholars with each trip to teach Pilgrims and explain to them the different aspects and goals of Hajj.

Dutch Muslims have positively received Ennour Corporation, especially when it manifested its declared goal of “helping Muslims”, not gaining profits.

“The positive response came also from Hajj authorities in Saudi Arabia who used to face troubles in dealing with Pilgrims coming from no-Muslim countries. Such Pilgrims usually do not fall within the share system used in determining the quota of each Muslim country,” said Bakr.

The Muslim activist expressed optimism about “Ennour” future, expecting larger numbers of Pilgrims during the coming years.

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