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Holland: Islam Spreading Due to its Intrinsic Strength, Says Muslim Leader

Holland: Islam Spreading
Due to its Intrinsic Strength, Says Muslim Leader




IINA - 02

Amsterdam, Muharram 17/Mar 31 (IINA) – Dr. Marzuq Abdullah, president of the European Islamic University here, has said that Islam is spreading far and wide because of its intrinsic strength and the credibility of its teachings and heavenly message.

As for the Muslims themselves, he said they need social, economic, and political care, as well as a cooperative stance in dealing with their problems and the preservation of their Islamic identity, particularly in a foreign country, such as Holland. He said they should strive to build not only mosques, but also schools, hospitals and other social amenities for their community.

Dr. Marzuq went on to say that when the Muslim minority puts its house in order, then the spread of Islam becomes easier, but if not, then the situation for them becomes catastrophic, adding that now there are around 40,000,000 Muslims in the whole of Europe. He said they live in various European countries and have their own societies and organizations, providing them with various services, secular as well as spiritual services.

The Muslim leader said that the Muslims are trying their best to set up their own primary and secondary schools, and now there is the European Islamic University, which has branches in various parts of Holland.