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Italy good example of how Muslims are treated, asserts Saudi scholar

Italy good example of how Muslims are treated, asserts Saudi scholar




IINA – 07

Beirut, Safar 25/May 8 (IINA) – In a lecture that was organized by the Imam Awzai College of Islamic Studies here, a scholar from the University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia, Dr, Abdul Aziz Abu Saqr Al-Jabarat, said that the Muslim community in Italy is young and productive, and admired for its contribution to the economic development of the country.

But, he added, this is also why it is feared in some quarters in Europe generally that their increased presence would not be for the good of the countries concerned. Some religious quarters have even advised that Europe should not continue to import workers from Muslim countries. This is why, he said, that when there was a recruitment drive not long ago, only 10 percent of those accepted were Muslims, while 90 percent were Christians recruited from South America.

Dr. Jabarat said that in his estimation there are around 1,000,000 Muslims in Italy, most of them from Arab North Africa, while those Muslims carrying Italian citizenship, including indigenous Italian Muslims, number around 80,000. He said the Muslims are scattered throughout Italy, and they consist of several segments of society, such students who had decided to remain in Italy after their studies, professionals who married local girls and decided to stay put, and there also are political and other refugees.

The Saudi scholar said that while Islam is not officially recognized as a religion in Italy, the Muslims are allowed to build mosques, Islamic centers and other religious institutions, and they could even take to court anyone who tries to tarnish the name of Islam and Muslims.