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Finland Muslim

Finland Muslim




IINA - 08

Finland: Islam taking root

Helsinki, Rabi Thani 17/July 9 (IINA) - The first Muslims to arrive in Finland were the Tatars, who came during the 18th and 19th centuries of the Gregorian calendar, but were later followed by other immigrants from not less than 12 countries. They now number about 20,000.

The Deputy President of the Federation of Islamic Societies and Organizations of Finland, Alauddin Muhammad Ali Maher, has said that the Islamic League of Finland is considered the oldest Islamic organization in the country.

He said it is officially recognized, in that it has been registered with the government, and its membership now stands at 500 Muslims, who have come from various parts of the world.

He said the League covers nearly the whole of Finland, and it oversees the mosque that in the capital, Helsinki, and another one in the north of the country. He said the League is also running a nursery school, the only one of its kind for Muslim children in the country.

Alauddin Ali Maher said the League is active in spreading the Islamic Message among the Muslims of Finland, as well as programs for acquainting non-Muslim Finnish people with Islam, mainly through its monthly newsletter that is written in the Finnish language.

Maher said that every year the League organizes a Congress, to which are invited Muslim scholars and thinkers from many parts of the world.

He said Finland’s Muslims need to build more mosques and Islamic schools, as well as lecture halls, and to hold more seminars. The also need to build Islamic libraries, he added.

Maher said that the only impediment was finance, otherwise the government of Finland has no objection to Muslims building their own schools, mosques and other facilities, as provided by the laws of the country.

He disclosed that only recently Muslims were able to obtain a piece of land to use as their cemetery, which donated by the government.