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Facts about Muslims in Denmark

Facts about Muslims in Denmark




There are approximately 210.000 Muslims in Denmark (3,9 percent of the total Danish popula-tion).  

There is freedom of religion in Denmark. Everybody has the freedom and possibility to mani-fest his or her religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.

Religious symbols, including head scarves, are allowed in the public sphere, including in Parlia-ment.

There are 22 approved Islamic communities in Denmark 

The regulations for Islamic religious communities are the same as for all other approved religious communities in Denmark, including Christian communities.

Muslims are free to establish mosques and burial places according to Danish law.
Imams of approved Islamic communities may be authorized to conclude marriages with the same legal effect as marriages concluded by the civil authorities.

Members of approved Islamic communities may obtain the right to deduct their financial con-tributions to the community from their taxable income.

Approved Islamic communities may obtain tax exemption for deeds of gifts etc. issued to the community.

All Muslims naturally enjoy the same civil and political rights in the Danish democracy as other citizens in Denmark.

All Muslims naturally enjoy the same social rights of the Danish welfare system as other citizens in Denmark. Health care and education is free for all in Denmark.

Muslims are free to establish private schools. If so, they can obtain a financial grant covering up to 80% of all their expenses from the State.

Danish law includes a detailed set of rules that prohibits discrimination and blasphemous statements and behaviour. Violations of these rules are punishable according to Danish criminal law. 

Source :
© Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark    Edited March 6, 2008