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Albania Muslims

Albania Muslims




Islamic Waqf Foundation (IWF) to build center in Tirana

Riyadh, Rabi Awwal 30/Jun 11,2002(IINA) – The Riyadh-based Islamic Waqf Foundation (IWF) has decided to build an Islamic center in he Albanian capital, Tirana, in order to promote the foundation’s Daawa and educational activities there, according to the Chairman of the Balkan’s Committee of the foundation, Abdul Aziz Al-Okaily. He said that the center comes at the right when the nee for enabling the Muslims of that country to preserve their Islamic identity is greatest, adding that the foundation had previously built four such centers in various parts of Albania. He said at such centers the members do not only learn matters relating to their faith, but also such secular subjects as computing, languages, and the like.