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Islam Spreading Fast in South America (Pictures)

Islam Spreading Fast in South America (Pictures)




 (Pictures) by Dr. Sabeel Ahmed

As I was driven from the airport to the residence of my host, I saw Masjid after Masjid in almost every block. Adhan was echoing from loudspeakers and Muslims in beards and sisters in jilbab were seen heading towards the gates of these Masajids. Am I in India/Pakistan or the Middle East? Neither. I was in the continent of South America in the country of Guyana (north of Brazil) on a dawah trip. Muslim initially came to South America as slaves and later as indentured servants brought by the British from the villages of India in 1838. Muslims, unfortunately, lost their language of Urdu and they all now speak English.

Muslims of Guyana conducts Islamic Awareness Week each year with Islam presentations in main cities, street corners, villages, campuses, and television. I had the honor of conducting about 24 presentations and 5 television shows in 6 days.I was in dawah paradise! People were very receptive and don't hold many misconceptions about Islam unlike people of USA. During my presentations I emphasized on the oneness of Allah (swt) and how Islam can solve the various ills and bring peace and harmony to an individual and the society. After one of my presentation, the leader of the main opposition party of Guyana stood up and proclaimed: 'I will from today follow the advice of your prophet (Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him), in being moderate in eating.' His proclamation came after I mentioned Islam's solution to the problem of obesity. After each presentation I was inviting people to embrace Islam, Alhamdulillah, young and old, Hindus (yes 25% of the population are Hindu) and Christians used to get up in multitude, come to the front and proclaim shahada. Alhamdulillah, during that week, between three presenters (myself and two other brothers invited from Canada, Sh. Yaffa and Sh. Zia), more than 500 non-Muslims embraced Islam. During my entire trip I was reminded time and again the saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): "This message (of Islam) will reach to wherever the night and day have reached. Allah shall not leave any home built by clay or stones or by animal skin(tent) except Allah will make this religion to enter it."(Musnad Ahmad)

Alhamdulillah, people entering Islam by 1000s each year is not unique to Guyana, same can be said of the countries of Surinam, Trinidad and other countries of south America and west Indies. South America is waiting for Islam, the world is waiting for Islam and when we offer them a venue to listen, study and understand Islam, it resonates in their hearts and minds and they feel compelled to enter Islam.

Congratulations go to the Guyana Islamic Trust (GIT) for conducting an excellent and successful Islamic Awareness week. May Allah (swt) accept all our endeavors and provide the guidance of Islam to humanity.aameen.

Alhamdulillah, many outreach projects are being conducted right here in Chicago and several cities using buses, billboards, newspapers, house to house, online etc. To volunteers for these projects contact

JazakAllahu khairan and wassalam,
Dr.Sabeel Ahmed
Islamic Circle of North America

Truly,in remembering Allah do hearts find rest.
(Quran, 13:28)


Guyana Islamic Trust's Full-Time School

Guyana Islamic Trust's Full-Time School

dawah on the street

dawah on the street

Dawah on the Streets

Dawah on the Streets

Br. Haseeb Yusuf, President of Guyana Islamic Trust

Br. Haseeb Yusuf, President of Guyana Islamic Trust

taking questinos from audience

taking questinos from audience

Br. Haseeb Yusuf, President of Guyana Islamic Trust

Br. Haseeb Yusuf, President of Guyana Islamic Trust

Dawah Presentation

Dawah Presentation

Dawah Presentation - Concept of God in Islam

Dawah Presentation - Concept of God in Islam

Shaykh Musa Introducing Dr. Sabeel Ahmed

Shaykh Musa Introducing Dr. Sabeel Ahmed

Dawah Presentation

Dawah Presentation



Attendees of 'Tent Dawah'

Attendees of 'Tent Dawah'

Tent Dawah

Tent Dawah

Tent Dawah

Tent Dawah

Three people about to embrace Islam

Three people about to embrace Islam



Another Shahada

Another Shahada


Presentation in School 'Purpose of Life'

Presentation in School 'Purpose of Life'

Walking to a village for Islam presentation

Walking to a village for Islam presentation


Presentation to Muslims 'Importance of Dawah'

Presentation to Muslims 'Importance of Dawah'


Presentation to Muslims 'Importance of Dawah'

Presentation to Muslims 'Importance of Dawah'


Young Muslims of Guyana

Young Muslims of Guyana


Three people embracing Islam

Three people embracing Islam

Two elderly ladies embracing Islam

Two elderly ladies embracing Islam

Two girls embracing Islam

Two girls embracing Islam

Jumma Khutbah (Friday Sermon)

Jumma Khutbah (Friday Sermon)

Television Program - Guyana

Television Program - Guyana

Explaining Islam

Explaining Islam

Several People read to embrace Islam

Several People read to embrace Islam


Another lady embracing Islam

Another lady embracing Islam

Three people embracing Islam

Three people embracing Islam

Dawah platform on a Truck!

Dawah platform on a Truck!

Lady embracing Islam

Lady embracing Islam

Residence of my Host in Guyana

Residence of my Host in Guyana

Longest floating bridge in the world - guyana

Longest floating bridge in the world - guyana

Masjid in Guyana

Masjid in Guyana

Speed boat Ride

Speed boat Ride

Dr. Sabeel and Sh. Yaffa

Dr. Sabeel and Sh. Yaffa

Presentation to University Students

Presentation to University Students

Jumma Khutbah (Friday sermon)

Jumma Khutbah (Friday sermon)

Full-Time Islamic School - Guyana Islamic Trust

Full-Time Islamic School - Guyana Islamic Trust


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