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L¨Islam en Guadeloupe (English Translation)

L¨Islam en Guadeloupe (English Translation)




After discovering the word of God, it seemed to know that there are in the Caribbean Muslims converted to Islam (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana ...).

Also know that Islam is a universal religion.

Stating our reasons for conversions.

We remain open to any questions from you, to grow together in truth.


The estimated population of Guadeloupe is 422 500 inhabitants, an average density of 227 inhabitants per square kilometer (in 1990). Mainly composed of black or mestizo (80%) originated in Africa from the Guinean coast for the purposes of the culture of sugar cane during the seventeenth and eighteenth century.

The Indians of India: Not to be confused with the Caribbean Indians, despite a common name. They are tens of thousands in Guadeloupe mainly Mainland: region of the mold and St. Francis. Despite some creolization of their lifestyle, the coolies were able to retain many elements of their heritage culturel.On can even speak of cultural exchange between the populations: the Colombo Tamil origin, for example, has become the flat National Guadeloupe, while the Creole language and Catholicism have won every home Hindus, that way prevents simultaneous practice their own religion.

Hindu temples are easily spotted in the countryside by the presence of mats bearing the tricolor flags and red and blue boxes in which host offerings, candles and lamps huile.Il are two categories of Hindu temples in Guadeloupe: the temples and Kalimal the temples of Mariam mnan. The most important temple, the most spectacular, is that of Chanzy almost Capesterre beautiful water, its architecture is purely Indian.
The Caribbean has always been said that the latest Caribbean vegetated "protected" or "parked" within the reserve of Qualla River on the east coast of the island of Dominica. There are still traces of Native American character in the faces of some residents of the Pointe des Chateaux and especially to the Pointe de la Grande Vigie, the site was officially established an Indian reservation until 1730.

The Békés: Not many, they form a true caste, the names of large families are on the facades of most large companies in Guadeloupe. They still control the nobles in the island's economic structure: the cultivation and trade of bananas, sugar cane, rum, they were able to also diversify their activities.The Békés, whites Matignon, and the Saintois Saint Barth, are also called "white country" or "Creole" and are part of the history of Guadeloupe, their ancestors had settled in the islands before the arrival of blacks in the Caribbean.

Lebanese and Syrians: They form a community whose core business is trading, and hold on the island, most jewelry stores, fabrics and clothing, particularly in major shopping streets of Pointe à Pitre: Nozières the streets, and Frébault Shoelcher.

We tend to say that the prophet Jesus came to the world. Christ is in fact only came for the Jews of the house of Israel.


The question that may arise in the Caribbean. How is it that we, descendants of slaves are Christians today?

This religious identity imposed, none other than the application of the Code Noir established by Louis XIV, to manage the behavior of esclaves.Dont purpose is to facilitate their acceptance rebellion in Christian belief.

What does the Code Black ...

Article 2

All slaves in our islands will be baptized and educated as a Catholic, Apostolic and Roman. Give instructions to people who purchase newly arrived Negroes to inform the Governor and Intendant of said islands in eight days at the latest, under penalty of arbitrary fine, which will give the necessary orders to have them instructed and baptized in the proper time.

Article 3
Forbid any public exercise of religion other than Catholic, Apostolic and Roman want offenders to be punished as rebels and disobedient to our commands, all assembled to defend this, which we declare unlawful and seditious meetings, subject to same penalty, to be held even against the masters who allow or suffer in relation to their slaves.
Many slaves fought to preserve their heritage, their religion is to say, Islam spread in the tenth century, not by the sword but by trade. This was called the Maroons, struggling, into exile in the fields to recall their practices divine and of course hope to return to the homeland.

Unfortunately the new birth and the slaves were more docile when to submit them by force to the new laws. This new religion ..

Article 15/01/2010 / 8:49:01 p.m.
Comments (2)
As salam alaykum brother thank you for advertising my CERAI this well insha'Allah if the brothers in France, which is a bit of time to think about their brother muslim in the islands like Guadeloupe or did it need to suport such as books for even converts the donation to the mosque to the structured my c true that France and sweet and forget to come to dawa has his family! May God guide us as well as salam alaykum amin.

by: mohamed dahi (05/02/2010 at 9:15:23)
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We do not convert to Islam by rejection of christianity. So we do not convert to Islam because we are descendants of slaves and we want to reject christianity. In addition, slavery was also practiced by Muslims. Finally, the Prophet Jesus (Ica), peace be upon him came not for Jews but for the Hebrews ^ mussulmans icaoui, that is to say Muslims in the time of Jesus. We are Muslims even from the time of Mohammed, peace be on him.