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Islam in Colombia

Islam in Colombia




The statistics for Islam in Colombia estimate a total Muslim population of 10,000, representing 0.02 percent of the population[1]. There are a number of Islamic organizations in Colombia, including Islamic centers in San Andrés, Bogotá, Guajira, Nariño, and Santa Marta. There are also primary and secondary Islamic schools in Bogotá and Maicao. Maicao plays host to the continent's second largest mosque, the Mosque of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab.

Over the past few years, Islam and the Arab-Muslim world seem to have entered even more poignantly into the Colombian imagination, gaining a presence in political discourse and strongly influencing popular culture.

It should be noted that most Arab immigrants to Colombia came during the first half of the 20th century and were Maronite Christians mainly from Lebanon.

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